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Friday, February 7, 2025


By Georgia Nichols, 26 Nov, 2018

Sagittarius, It’s your month and you’re in top form! You feel confident, optimistic and eager to embrace your future!


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) 

November: Quiet times spent with artistic, creative friends will please you this month. You have a lot to talk about, primarily because ex-partners and old friends are suddenly back on the scene. This could be good or bad. Whatever the case, you can handle it because Jupiter has just entered your sign giving you divine protection. You’re just fine!  
December: It’s your month and you’re in top form! You feel confident, optimistic and eager to embrace your future; and well you should be because your ruler Jupiter is finally in your sign for the first time since 2007. Yay! Nevertheless, you must cope with increased chaos on the home front due to visitors, renovations residential moves.  
Lucky days: November 9, 10  December 6, 7

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 

November: This is a popular time! Accept invitations from others. See your friends. Join clubs, groups and associations because everyone wants you on their team. Venus at the top of your chart promotes relations with bosses, parents, VIPs and even the police. A flirtation with someone in authority is likely. Caution about hemorrhaging money. Go easy.  
December: Two opposing energies are at play this month. One invites you to take a backseat and work behind the scenes. You want to be low-key and ponder what your new year (birthday to birthday) will bring. The opposing energy makes you strident, forthright and aggressive when talking to others. You will say what you mean and mean what you say! (Oh my.) 
Lucky days: November 11, 12  December 8, 9, 10

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) 

November: All hail! This is the only month the Sun is at the top of your chart basking you in a limelight that is flattering. This is why bosses, parents and VIPs think so highly of you, even if you don’t do anything special. (It’s all smoke and mirrors.) Grab every chance to travel for pleasure because this will please you. You can also pursue opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Enjoy old friends who are back in your world.   
December: This is a lovely month for you because you’re popular with friends and successful with groups and clubs to which you belong. In fact, it might surprise you how much others want to be in your company. Venus at the top of your chart guarantees that you look charming and diplomatic to everyone, while Mars ignites your energy to work and earn money! Ka-ching! 
Lucky days: November 13, 14, 15  December 11, 12

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) 

November: It’s curious. Even though you have travelled this year, this month you want to hop a jet or do what you can to get out of town. (At least, get to Whistler!) Legal matters and issues related to higher education, publishing and the media might be on your plate. Fortunately, settlements will be in your favour. Meanwhile, romance is affectionate and memorable!
December: In some ways, this is the most powerful month of the year for you because you are burning with energy and drive and this quality (which is an advantage) coincides with the fact 
that your reputation is shining in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. You are the golden child! This is why you can travel for pleasure. Everyone is convinced you deserve it. And you do.  
Lucky days: November 16, 17  December 13, 14, 15

Aries (March 21-April 19)  

November: Relationships are passionate this month! Perhaps this is because someone from afar is suddenly back in your life? You have high standards and want to better yourself. Issues about inheritances, insurance matters and shared property are a big focus. You have strong feelings about these too!
December: Romance continues to be passionate. However, this month you will adore travel. Do whatever you can to get out and have the taste of a change of scenery. Fortunately, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of someone else, which means you can get money, a gift or assistance to help you take that trip you want. Bon voyage!
Lucky days: November 18, 19, 20  December 16, 17

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

November: This month, relations with others are smooth, especially with work colleagues. In fact, a work-related romance might begin? It will be easy to wrap up old business regarding inheritances, taxes, debt, insurance matters or shared property because issues from the past can be resolved now. What a relief! 
December: This is a money month for you! People are good to you this month and you see that the trend for the coming year will favour you in terms of wealth. (True!) You might not personally earn this wealth, but it will come to you from others or indirectly through your partner or spouse. Because relations with others are so warm, you can patch up a quarrel with an enemy.
Lucky days: November 21, 22  December 18, 19 

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

November: You are industrious this month! You’re setting yourself high standards because you want to be healthier plus efficient and productive at work. This is fortunate because everything begins with a motivation. And what better motivation than to be the best that you can be? Grab every chance to travel if it comes your way. 
December: You will need more sleep this month even though you are ambitious, and giving everything your best shot. Colleagues at work are supportive, which is fortunate because delays, silly errors and misplaced paperwork are maddening. Fortunately, a good friend is by your side.
Lucky days: November 23, 24  December 20, 21 

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

November: It’s your turn to play, flirt and entertain! Make sure you have something fun and exciting to wear this month. Socialize extensively. Accept all invitations to party. Enjoy sports events, social outings, the arts and playful activities with children. Meanwhile, romance sizzles and so do you! Enjoy redecorating and entertaining at home.    
December: You are still in party mode, but due to guilt or necessity, you’ve decided it’s time to get back in the saddle and be productive. Nevertheless, old flames are back in the picture, which might distract you. Be diligent in your work because this is where you will make great strides in the coming year. Trust me.  
Lucky days: November 25, 26  December 22, 23

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

November: Although you are schmoozing with siblings and relatives, you want to be at home as much as possible this month. You’re not being antisocial; it’s simply where you want to be. You intend to make your home look appealing and attractive so that you can entertain next month. But this takes planning, doesn’t it? 
December: This month you’re ready to go out in full dazzle! Many social outings beckon to you, especially anything related to children and children’s events. The arts, sports, fun parties, interesting restaurants plus exotic vacations are perfect choices. Nevertheless, you’re happy to entertain because who is a better host than you? Everyone loves your dramatic sense of theatre!    
Lucky days: November 1, 27, 28  December 24, 25, 26

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 

November:  Fasten your seatbelts because this is a fast-paced month! Your busy schedule includes short trips, errands, meetings, time with siblings and relatives plus increased reading, writing and studying. You will also tackle house repairs that can no longer be ignored. Fortunately, you have drive and energy!  
December: Your focus on home and family is strong. Nevertheless, be patient with a partner who might be annoying. Patience is the antidote to anger. Look around you so you can appreciate the beauty of your daily surroundings. Take time to reflect on how much love there is in your world.
Lucky days: November 2, 3, 29, 30  December 27, 28

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 

November: Do you have money on your mind this month? Yes you do. But the bottom line is this: You want your wealth, your assets and your possessions to help promote your happiness. This begs the question: What makes you happy? Take note: This is the perfect month to buy wardrobe treasures for yourself. Do it!   
December: Suddenly, you’re busy, you’re active, you’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see! You’re working hard, in fact, you’re delegating to others. However, your primary thrust this month is that you want to enlighten someone. You have something to say and you intend to say it!
Lucky days: November 4, 5  December 1, 2, 3, 29, 30

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 

November: Did you know that Scorpio rules magnets? This is why you are so charismatic, you can magnetize people and situations to you! (Especially this month.) Be patient with financial delays because cheques in the mail will be late. Home is frenzied and chaotic. Many of you are quietly enjoying a secret love affair. You know who you are.
December: Fair Venus is in your sign now making you charming, diplomatic and attractive to others. Buy something special for your wardrobe. You are busy on all fronts this month because finances, cash flow and major purchases are a big focus and yet, you want to play because your desire is passionate! Competitive sports also appeal.   
Lucky days: November 6, 7, 8  December 4, 5, 31
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Georgia Nicols’ wisdom and wit have made her a popular international astrologer whose horoscope columns appear in major newspapers and magazines around the world. Georgia also makes regular appearances on television and radio and has a popular website with more than a million annual readers. Her book, You and Your Future is a bestseller in Canada, and has international printings in three languages. Visit:


Horoscope for September/October 2018

Horoscope for September/October 2018

This month there’s a back-to-school vibe in the air that makes you click your heels and stand at attention. Yes, it’s time to pull your act together. 



Happy Birthday Cancer! The Sun is now in your sign giving you a chance to regenerate and restore your energy.



 Taurus, This is your hour! It’s your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Take advantage of the fact that people and excellent opportunities will be drawn to you.

Horoscope for March/April 2018

Horoscope for March/April 2018
Two planetary messages await you this month. One message tells you to keep a low profile and hide. 

2018 Yearly Predictions

2018 Yearly Predictions

The year 2018 is looking so bright; you’re going to need shades! 

Horoscope for November-December 2017

Horoscope for November-December 2017

Scorpio, You look marvelous darling, marvelous! It doesn’t get much better than this because the Sun, fair Venus and lucky moneybags Jupiter are all in Scorpio.
