Monday, June 17, 2024

Wedding Story: Darren and Manpreet

Darpan, 25 May, 2016

    How did you meet?

    Manpreet:We were co-workers and had some mutual friends. The more we hung out the more we connected and were drawn to each others energies. 


    What do you love most about one another?

    Manpreet:I couldn’t picture my life without him. He is the sweetest, most caring and thoughtful guy a girl could ask for, and he always eats my cooking even when it turns out terrible. 

    Darren:I love everything about her. Her motivation to succeed at everything she does. Her personality is what really attracted me to her. Also, she gets my weird jokes when no one else does. 


    Could you share your proposal story?

    Manpreet: We had already decided to get married and were in the midst of preparing our engagement party. I remember running around the week of the party making sure all of the details were taken care of and Darren insisted that we go for dinner just a few days before the party. I couldn’t understand why going for dinner couldn’t wait until after the engagement party but I agreed. He took me to an amazing waterfront restaurant; we had dinner and enjoyed each other’s company. Then he surprised me with a beautiful ring, I get compliments on my ring to this day and people are shocked to find out that he chose it all by himself. I was totally taken aback, I hadn’t expected to be proposed to until the engagement party, it was a total surprise.  


    Describe your wedding day. What was your favourite moment?

    Manpreet: We had a beautiful traditional ceremony. It was a little nerve-wracking because the big day had finally come but with every moment of the day that passed it got better and better. Having all of our family and friends come together from around the world to celebrate our wedding was unbelievable. One moment that we all still laugh about to this day is when at the doli Darren’s cousin was hoisted on to the roof of my parent’s house and climbed in through the window. He ran down the stairs with his hands in the air in victory only to be captured by my aunts. Our family on both sides was in tears laughing.  


    Could you tell us about your reception?

    Manpreet:Our reception was amazing. When we made our entrance it was the most unforgettable feeling. Everyone partied and we had a great time with our family and friends. Everything from the decorations to the music was perfect.  


    Can you describe your outfits?

    Manpreet:For the wedding I wore a red lengha with gold embroidery and Darren wore a gold utchkin with red details that matched my lengha. For the reception, I wore a lengha with a bright pink and purple bottom and an embroidered blouse. Darren wore a custom tuxedo suit and pink tie that matched my lengha


    Where did you honeymoon?

    Manpreet:We went to New York and then to Greece. 


    What are your goals as a couple?

    Manpreet:To always bring out the best in each other and motivate each other.


    If you could provide any advice to other married couples, what would it be?

    Manpreet:Marriage will have its ups and downs but just remember to communicate and don’t sweat the small stuff. We compliment each other very well and always support each other.


    Photographer: Will Pursell Photography


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