Monday, June 17, 2024

How to see a city in 24 hours

24 Nov, 2016
  • How to see a city in 24 hours
Many cabin crew members enjoy only brief stopovers in a city, which means they have to be strategic if they want to absorb the local culture, see the hottest spots, and grasp the city’s character in a very short period of time. As some of the world’s most seasoned site seers, the Emirates’ Cabin Crew members share their favourite tricks for making the most of a short stop in any metropolis.

TIP #1: Search for Secrets

Preparation is key and the best part of any city is its hidden secrets. If you only have 24 hours, make sure you research what a city has to offer prior to landing. Ask friends who are locals, search online and make a list of the top spots you’d like to see. Use interactive maps to find out how to quickly arrive at your destinations. Searching for secrets will help you live like a local – even if it’s only for a day.

TIP #2: Pick up a Paper

Find out what the locals are doing by examining the city’s top news outlets. Newspapers, magazines and popular blogs are a great way to find out what unique events are taking place in the city while you’re there, like temporary art exhibitions or a must-see concert.

TIP #3: Take a Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus

Every major metropolis offers a Hop-On, Hop-Off tour bus. It’s typically a double decker (so you can sit on top and enjoy the scenery from above) that takes you to various attractions around the city. Not only will you have an audio guide to help you learn about the city, you won’t have to worry about how to navigate your way to its must-see destinations.

TIP #4: Pick a Package

A lot of airlines offer great stopover packages that make it easy to see an extraordinary city like Dubai in short period of time. These can include everything from a meet and assist at the airport to a welcome pack on arrival to transfers to and from your hotel. If you don’t have time to plan ahead, why not ask an airport concierge to help you create a targeted itinerary? Oftentimes, these local experts can provide insights into the best downtown destinations, and how to get there quickly.

TIP #5: Explore on your own

Rent a bike or walk around and just get lost. Exploring is the best way to feel out a city’s vibe and absorb the local culture. Wander into a coffee shop that has a friendly-looking crowd, or park yourself in a square and do some people watching. You never know what unexpected gems you’ll uncover
- Inputs by Emirates


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