Friday, May 31, 2024

Kumbh Kaali Mirch

By Gary Sidhu, 31 Oct, 2018

    Gary Sidhu, Chef/Owner of SILK Lounge strongly believes in traditional organic farming, and has based his restaurant off those same values.



    • 500 gms organic khumb (a variety of mushroom) 
    • 5 cloves of organic garlic
    • 1 green chilli
    • 200 gms organic yogurt/ Greek yogurt
    • 1½ tsp organic roasted chick peas flour
    • ½ tsp black peppercorns
    • ½ tsp white peppercorns
    • ¼ tsp turmeric 
    • ¼ tsp garam masala powder
    • Salt to taste
    • Green peppers (optional)
    • Melted butter for basting


    • Add the garlic and chilli in a wet grinder with a splash of water and blend to a puree. In a mortar and pestle, add the black and white peppercorns, grind coarsely and set aside.
    • Add the yogurt to a mixing bowl along with the roasted chickpeas flour. Mix well making sure there are no lumps. 
    • Now add the paste, ground peppercorns, cardamom powder, garam masala powder and salt. Marinate the khumbs in this mix for a couple of hours or preferably overnight.
    • Now put the khumbs in a tandoor oven for 5-10 minutes at 300 degrees Celsius. Serve with beetroot and gooseberry dip or any chutney with salad on the side.


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