Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Cover Story

Celebrating Womanhood: Raj Arneja

By Petrina D'Souza, 27 Mar, 2020
  • Celebrating Womanhood: Raj Arneja

Director of Community Engagement & Philanthropy at Nanak Foods

What does being a woman mean to you?

Being a woman to me is being a person who is versatile. She can achieve her goals because she is compassionate, committed, understanding, and the most able multitasking person.


What has been your biggest achievement, personally and professionally, as a woman?

My personal achievement as a woman was my journey to become a mother. I’m at most proud of adopting my two babies and I’m proud of the adults they have become. I am a founding member of the SEVA Thrift Society; now a Board member and manager. My work at Nanak Foods gives me a platform to support and be involved with causes like the SEVA society. I also thrive on supporting art and cultural organizations which are close to my heart.

What project are you working on right now?

I am about to release a memoir about my journey to motherhood. The book should be out by late spring and is called Love at First Sight: A Mother’s Journey to Adoption. My journey to motherhood was an intense spiritual journey. I wish to tell the world that adopting a child is one of the most rewarding, self-satisfying life experiences a person could have. It’s a commitment to unconditional love both ways. And while the word ‘adoption’ is in the title of the memoir, it’s only to give awareness. As a matter of fact, it’s a word we never use at home.

What or who inspires you to do better each day?

My mother was my biggest inspiration in my life. She was hardworking and very giving. She set the tone for my sisters and I to become the woman we are today. The women that I work with at Seva Society also inspire me each and every day. Also, VISAFF (Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival) runs with a Board of all women and I get inspiration from the young minds involved in that organization.

What is your success mantra?

Success mantra for me is to be a good listener. Understanding people and their backgrounds can be intriguing and provide you with personal knowledge. I love to get to know people at a personal level. 

Brought To You By: Teja Foods


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