Sunday, June 2, 2024

Stay Fit, Stay H‘app’y


    Here’s a list of our top-recommended fitness apps and gadgets to unleash the best of health in you.


    We are living in an age where mobile phones are our ideal fitness mates. Whether you are trying to monitor your weight, running a marathon or analysing your everyday workout, your personal trainer is right inside your pocket, barking orders at you 24x7. But with over a million fitness apps and gadgets at our disposal, it is challenging to identify the best ones that will succeed in coaxing us to go that extra mile.


    Fitness Gadgets


    Finis Neptune

    Price- $159.99

    Neptune by Finis comes with the revolutionary Bone Conduction audio transmission technology that impressively transmits audio without using earplugs. The device comes with 4GB of storage, offering music, audiobooks and podcasts for the delightful entertainment of aquatic athletes. Neptune can be attached to goggle straps without disrupting swimming technique in any manner.


    SmartMat Yoga Mat

    Preorder for $297 with $150 discount

    All you Yoga enthusiasts, you’ll love this! Built-in advanced sensor technology notifies you when you’re out of alignment on the mat and gives you real-time feedback on how to correct your pose. This intelligent Yoga mat certainly does take it to the next level.


    Sensoria Fitness Socks

    Price- $119

    After smart Yoga mat debuts the smart sock! Sensoria Fitness Sock is equipped with pressure sensors that analyse your run, including your foot placement technique, pace, distance and speed. The lightweight and wireless anklet relays this data to the app that provides real-time feedback for further enhancement of your fitness regime.


    Connected Cycle

    Price not determined yet; product will hit market year-end

    Attach these pedals to your bike and turn it into a tracker. Connected Cycle works by tracking your speed, calories burnt, and terrain. Your riding stats are transmitted to an app the moment you get off you your bike. These pedals also notify the app in case anyone tries to steal your bike, and thanks to the built-in GPS, you can locate the position of your bike any time.



    Fitness Apps

    We’ve listed the top-recommended and trending apps in the health and fitness industry that can help you keep a track on your exercising goals.


    Charity Miles: Free on Android and iOS

    Want to do some good while working out? Download the Charity Miles app and earn money for every mile you walk, run or bike. The setup is simple: Browse through the various charities enlisted, including World Wildlife Fund, Alzheimer’s Association, Autism Speaks and Girls on the Run; select the one you would like to support and you’re ready to go!


    Moves:Free on Android and iOS

    This app is more like your fitness journal, only that it’s automatic. It’s always on - meaning it is constantly tracking your body movements like walking, running and biking. You just have to make sure it is either in your pocket or bag. Use this app firstly to understand how much movement you are giving to your body on a daily basis, and secondly to work on improving it. Piece of advice: this app tends to drain the battery because it is always on; you will have to charge your phone every night.


    Lose It!: Free on Android, iOS, Nook and Kindle

    This app helps you create your customized weight loss plan, while offering a bunch of other things including setting your own calorie budget, nutrition intake, sleep and exercise. An interesting feature is the barcode scan that tells you what you are consuming in terms of nutrition with various products. Lose It! is compatible with several devices and apps including Nike+ FuelBand, Fitbit devices and MapMyFitness - so you can import your calorie intake chart.


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