Monday, June 17, 2024

Wedding Story - Jesse & Hapi

Darpan News Desk, 19 Mar, 2015

    "We do not remember days, we remember moments." ~ Cesare Pavese

    Names of groom/bride: Jesse/Hapi Sihota   |   City of residence: Victoria BC

    How did you meet?

    A mutual friend introduced us to each other and we became good friends. Ten years later Hapi was out with a bunch of her coworkers and ran into me while I was working. We talked for awhile and she decided we should go for coffee or grab a bite to eat. I said yes to get food and we went out a week later. We've been together ever since.

    What do you love most about one another?

    Jesse: I love how comfortable she makes me feel. I'm completely myself. I don't have to put on a face to impress her. When I'm with her it feels just right.
    Hapi: I love his cooking! He also has this way of making me feel safe and loved even when he is thousands of miles away.

    Please share your proposal story?

    Jesse: We talked about marriage a few times. The final time we talked about it I figured why wait any longer. We're going to be with each other forever so let's do it! So that's exactly what I said to her. She's the type that likes to have things planned out and I'm the type that plays things by ear and does things at the last minute.

    Describe your wedding day? What was your favorite moment?

    Hapi: From the moment we began getting ready to the moment we arrived at the Gurdwara, it was nerve racking. Jesse is half Punjabi and half Caucasian but we decided on doing the traditional Indian ceremony because he knew how important it was to me. If he could've had it his way... we would have walked into a court house and said "I do!" It was a very special day that we will remember forever but I would have to say, as corny as it may sound, my favorite part of the day was when I walked into the Gurdwara and sat down beside him. There is something in that moment that allows you to finally let go of any worries you may have had... REALITY is... you finally found your person!
    Jesse: There were so many great parts that it's hard to pick one. The one that stood out the most was when my new wife turned to me and said "there's no turning back now, you're stuck with me." The second best moment was how good it felt to stretch my legs after sitting down for so long.


    Tell us about your reception?

    It was awesome and it flew by way too fast. It didn't feel like a traditional Indian reception. We had a big diversity in cultures at our function and we didn't want that separation especially the separation of men and women. The DJ played the crowd with Bhangra and top hits from the 80's to present. The dance floor was always packed. The food was amazing and the decorations were simple but popped. The photo booth and the dance crew were also huge hits.

    Can you describe your outfits?

    Jesse: My Achkan was provided by Sunny's bridal. They did a fantastic job. They made me look like a king. The outfit was royal blue with red stones and gold trim. For my reception I wore a classy, sleek grey Armani suite with a small touch of pink in my tie and pocket cloth to compliment my wife's gown.

    Hapi: Both of my stunning gowns were designed by Sunny's Bridal. On the day of the wedding I wore a beautiful red and blue lehnga. At the reception I wore a very elegant pink lehnga with silver embroidery. The looks came together so perfectly, I could not have been happier with the results! Huge thanks to Sunny's Bridal!

    Where did u honeymoon?

    We did a little mini moon right away. We spent the day and had lunch on Long Beach in Tofino and spent our evening in Parksville at the Beach Club Resort overlooking the water. We're hoping to plan something more in the near future.

    What are your goals as a couple?

    Pay off debts and save up for the future. Enjoy our time together as a married couple before we start a family. Treat one another as equals at all times.

    What are your favorite quotes?

    Jesse: "You can only live your life one step at a time." ~ Unknown
    Hapi: "We do not remember days, we remember moments." ~ Cesare Pavese

    What are the strengths of your marriage?

    We trust each other and we make each other laugh. We also give each other space and time apart. It makes us appreciate each other's company and love without taking it for granted. Cooking great food also helps. We help each other out. For example I'll cook and she'll clean. We work well as a team. If something bothers us we talk about it without bottling it up to blow up at a later time.

    If you could provide any advice for other married couples, what would it be?

    Be truthful and honest. Give each other space and time apart. Talk to each other if something bothers you. Be smart with your finances. A lot of marriages fail because they fight over money. Overall, unconditional love!


    Photo credit: A Master Media


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