Thursday, June 13, 2024
Health and Fitness

Budget-friendly Fitness

By Gerald Mayes, 13 Mar, 2019

    Achieving a toned, fit body does not have to break the bank.



    Achieving a toned, fit body does not have to break the bank. Yoga and Pilates classes, personal trainers and gym memberships are not financially realistic for all people. For parents, going to the gym means having to worry about childcare, therefore adding another expense. Just because you don’t have a fat wallet does not mean you can’t get buff.  

    Check out the following hacks to effective fitness workouts at home:

    Substitute a countertop for a push-up bench

    In most homes, at least one countertop, either in the kitchen or the bath, is the right height for a push-up. Put both hands on the countertop, extend your legs behind you at an angle, lean down into the counter, and then push back up.

    Substitute paper plates for body sculpting equipment

    The key here is to use the plates to help your body slide on a carpet. This allows you to do body sculpting moves that would ordinarily require workout equipment. You can do the sliding lunge (put the paper plate under one foot and lunge forward). Try simulating skating to work your butt and thighs – just attach the plates to your feet with rubber bands and slide away.

    Or, get down on all fours, put the plates under your hands, and use them to work your chest by sliding your arms back and forth.

    Use soup cans or jugs for weights

    You can do any triceps or biceps exercise at home using cans of soup that you'd do at the gym with dumbbells. To properly gauge the weight, don't go by the ounces listed on the can – that’s liquid weight. Instead, weigh the cans on your scale to figure out the poundage that’s best for you. Fill a household bucket or jug with water (or sand, rock salt, or powdered detergent) and secure the top with duct tape. Lift it up and down in front of you as you do squats.

    A fitness ball

    Sometimes called a stability ball, looks like a large beach ball. You can do many core exercises, including abdominal crunches, with a fitness ball. You can also use a fitness ball to improve your flexibility and balance.


    A kettlebell is a round weight with the handle attached at the top. A kettlebell can be used to do strength-training exercises and to help improve grip strength. Kettlebells are available in many sizes.

    Chair or step stool

    Use a chair for support when doing exercises such as leg curls. A low, sturdy step stool can become exercise equipment if you use it for step training – an aerobic exercise resembling stair climbing.

    Laundry Twist

    Sit next to a full basket of laundry and twist to grab an item from the basket. Twist to the other side to lay it on a pile. Continue until your laundry is finished.

    Resistance tubing

    These stretchy tubes offer weight-like resistance when you pull on them. Use the tubes to build strength in your arms and other muscles. Choose from varying degrees of resistance, depending on your fitness level.

    Substitute pantyhose for resistance bands

    Almost any exercise you can do with a resistance band, you can do with old pantyhose or tights. For example, sitting on the floor with your legs straight, loop a pair of pantyhose around the balls of your feet and pull back with both hands as if you are using a rowing machine.


    Make your waist-whittling planks more effective with towels. Take two and place them under your hands or feet, then move forward, backward and sideways.

    Clean Sweep

    This one’s easy: You can burn 80 calories every 20 minutes of sweeping. Pull out the broom and get to sweeping every corner of your house or apartment. How’s that for multitasking?


    Gerald Mayes is a V Shred Lead Trainer, a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and sat on the Nevada State Board. He is also a certified Health Coach through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) where he writes the certification curriculum. He has an Associates degree in Personal Training, a bachelor’s degree in Public Health, and a Master's Degree in Sports in Health Science.

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