Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dating During A Pandemic

BY Anoop Ark, 29 Sep, 2020
  • Dating During A Pandemic

With lockdowns and social distancing directives in place, finding a partner stands to be harder today than it has ever been before.

Ask anyone you know - dating has always been tough. Throw a worldwide pandemic into the mix and you now have a whole new set of challenges.

Finding the right partner for yourself is arguably one of the most important, yet difficult decisions to make. It requires a deep investigation into what you and your potential partner want out of life to truly determine your compatibility. With lockdowns and social distancing directives in place, finding a partner stands to be harder today than it has ever been before.

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Many blame technology for the complications that come with modern dating. However, in this time of loneliness and isolation, technology may just be our one saving grace.
Dating applications are quite possibly the single best way to chat and make new connections during this uncertain time. For those who still feel the negative stigma of online dating or have never used an online dating app, now is the time to try it. After all, what better time to take a leap of faith than during a global pandemic?

With an abundance of apps available on your computer or smartphone, the options may seem overwhelming but not to worry. Regardless of your religious background, sexual orientation or preference toward casual vs. long-term dating, there is sure to be an app out there for you! Reading descriptions of the various apps available, reviews by current users and doing a quick Google search will give you insight into which app is best suited to your needs.

Once you’ve downloaded an app and have ventured into the world of online dating, you might be wondering how you can possibly get to know someone without spending time in person. When text messaging via an app, be sure to make engaging conversation and put your best self forward.

There is nothing more frustrating than texting a person who cannot carry a conversation. Avoid uninspiring, one-worded responses and try to come up with interesting questions that keep the dialogue going to help you learn more about the person you’re texting. Be yourself and most importantly, try to have fun!

Now that you’re ready to go beyond text messaging, take it a step further with a video chat. Virtual dates are the next best way to get to know someone from the comfort of your home but require a bit of imagination and creativity. Try to think about the many things you do at home alone and try to find innovative ways of doing those things together.

If someone has sparked your interest enough to finally take the dates offline, there are a few honest conversations that should be had first. While social distancing and other preventative actions are widely recommended, many are not adhering to it as closely as they should. Given this, it is important to be transparent about what you expect from a date to ensure you are gathering safely. To minimize the spread of COVID-19, BC Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, has strongly urged that all gatherings be socially distanced and held outdoors where the risk of transmission is lowest. Important discussion points around this include whether you both will be wearing masks, how you will maintain social distance, and where exactly your hangout will take place. These candid conversations will ensure you both see eye to eye before meeting up and as a bonus, may help screen out those who are not taking the recommended precautions seriously. Now that you’re both on the same page, you can finally begin planning your first in-person date!

Here are five fun ideas for a socially-distanced outdoor date:

1) Have an outdoor picnic in the park.

2) Soak in some sun together at the beach.

3) Explore hidden parts of the city on foot.

4) Break a sweat on a local hiking trail.

5) Have a drink or meal at a patio restaurant.

Finding love in our new reality requires you to go deep beyond the surface. It presents a unique opportunity to shift your focus from insignificant details to the meaningful things that develop closeness and trust. Take a chance, be open-minded and put yourself out there. You never know you might just find the one - even if for now, they’re keeping six feet away.

Some ideas for a special virtual date night include:

• Chef for a Night: Impress with your skills in the kitchen by finding an easy to follow recipe you and your date can cook together. You won’t be able to taste each other’s food, so make sure it looks yummy!

• Home Theatre: Search for the perfect movie or TV show to watch on a comfy night in and you might just find a mutual addiction to binge-watching Netflix.

• Paint like Picasso: Get your creative juices flowing and grab your arts and crafts kit to create a masterpiece worthy of being displayed at the MET.

• Table for Two: Create the ambience of a restaurant with a personalized playlist and a plate of your favourite food.

• Play Date: Will a friendly games night quickly turn competitive or bring you even closer?


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