Saturday, June 15, 2024

Daulat Ki Chaat (Saffron Mousse)

By Chef Gaurav Anand, 18 Sep, 2019

    Gaurav Anand, chef, caterer and owner of three critically acclaimed and internationally recognized New York City restaurants, is one of the youngest restaurateurs in the city.



    • 2 cups whole milk
      1 cup whipping cream
      Pinch of saffron
      4-6 slices of rum baba cake
      Fresh fruit (berries)
      Almond flakes, candied pecans, edibles flowers (optional) for garnish


    • Boil the milk with the saffron so that the colour of the milk changes to a light yellow. Once the milk has cooled, add cream and whisk till frothy in texture.
    • Layer pieces of rum baba cake in a bowl (or any other soft sponge like cake, soaked with rum) with the berries. Pour the cream froth mixture on top of the cake.
    • Garnish with almond flakes, candied pecans and edible flowers.


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