Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Cover Story

Celebrating Womanhood: Dr.Ramneek Dosanjh, MD CCFP Physician, Past President of Doctors of BC, Presi

Monica Sethi Darpan, 18 Mar, 2024
  • Celebrating Womanhood: Dr.Ramneek Dosanjh, MD CCFP Physician, Past President of Doctors of BC, Presi

"I believe if there's will, God will make a way. I trust the universe. Everything is a journey, and there's a reason. Just lead a purpose-driven life and listen to your inner voice. Everyone has a different journey and purpose, and sometimes, you're in a space that makes you uncomfortable, and you feel you don't belong there—you have to listen to these whispers."-Dr.Ramneek Dosanjh, MD CCFP Physician, Past President of Doctors of BC, President-elect for the Federation of Medical Women of Canada

Dr.Ramneek Dosanjh, a trailblazer in the medical field, holds various roles as the Past President of Doctors of BC and President-elect for the Federation of Medical Women of Canada. Her primary mission is advocacy, focusing on the professional, social, and personal advancement of women physicians and the overall well-being of women in society.

As a hospitalist with clinical responsibilities at Peacearch Hospital, Dosanjh combines her medical expertise with a commitment to advancing women's health issues. Her advocacy now extends to global platforms, where she will present at the UN Commission on the Status of Women, emphasizing women's empowerment and healthcare equity. 

Dosanjh's accomplishments resonate deeply with her dedication to healthcare transformation. Elected as the second woman of colour in 122 years to be President-elect of Doctors of BC in 2021, she played a pivotal role in disrupting primary care and helping create the Longitudinal Family Practice Payment Model. The collaboration with the Ministry of Health aimed to reduce the attrition of family doctors and improve primary care. She also helped challenge gender inequities in the physician payment schedule, advocating for fair compensation, especially concerning women's health, maternity and pediatric care.

Dosanjh believes her most significant achievement is the upcoming opportunity to address the UN CSW alongside the American Medical Women's Association. Dreaming of impacting women and girls globally, she aspires to work toward gender equity, justice, and education on an international scale. Mentorship, leadership, and guidance are key aspects she plans to offer to all girls, encouraging them to strive for more.

Dosanjh highlights the urgent need for a better healthcare human resource strategy, addressing physician burnout and decolonizing the current medical system. Her ultimate goal is to witness improved health outcomes for patients through stronger attachments to family healthcare providers.

As a woman, Dosanjh feels a spiritual connection to Mother Earth and her ancestors. She takes pride in advocating for women, recognizing that their empowerment is essential for an ideal society. Her inspiration comes from her family, particularly her mother, brother, sister, daughters, and father, whose work ethic and grit have left a lasting impact. She believes human rights are non-negotiable and trusts the universe to guide her on a purpose-driven journey.

Her secret to success lies in the mantra "where there's a will, there's a way," trusting the universe and listening to her inner voice. Dosanjh's life is a testament to the power of purpose and determination, paving the way for future generations of South Asian women in medicine.

What would you advise those who feel inspired by your journey?

I would say go for it. Make sure it's your passion and aligned with your morals and values. Medicine is one of the most rigorous programs. I consider it an honour to be able to take care of my patients.

How do you stay motivated?

My three daughters keep me motivated and grounded. They are my legacy project, and I hope I can raise them better than my mom raised me.

Also, nothing was given to me; nothing is ever handed to a woman of colour. You have to work ten times harder than a white man or woman. Your representation speaks for you before you enter a room. So, it's been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I am the first Punjabi in my lineage to be a doctor, and what keeps me motivated is that I live for all those women who didn't have these opportunities.

What are some of the values you live by?

I would say - integrity, honesty, empathy, compassion, grit, and resilience.

What does being a woman mean to you? 

As a woman, I feel spiritually connected to Mother Earth and my ancestors differently. Being able to bear children—which I understand is not for everybody—was part of my privilege and honour to have my three girls. Also, being a woman, I take pride in advocating for women because when women are honoured and empowered, we live up to our ideals. 

What's your mantra for success?

I believe if there's will, God will make a way. I trust the universe. Everything is a journey, and there's a reason. Just lead a purpose-driven life and listen to your inner voice. Everyone has a different journey and purpose, and sometimes, you're in a space that makes you uncomfortable, and you feel you don't belong there—you have to listen to these whispers. 

Photo: Fahad Photo

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