Saturday, June 1, 2024

Finding Happiness

BY Mehakpreet Dhaliwal, 28 Sep, 2020
  • Finding Happiness

7 simple mood boosters for your blue days


Bad days are common; days when you feel unhappy, restless, irritable or just tired. However, there are a number of simple things that anyone can do to lift one’s mood. You may already be doing some of these without even realizing it! Here’s a look at a few simple and easy five-minute happiness-boosting tricks for you. Small changes can make a big difference in how you feel over time. Being able to hold on to these habits even once your mood has lifted can help you in leading a happier and more satisfying life overall.

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You smile when you’re happy, but did you know that smiling can actually make you happy? Mimicking emotions with the body can trick the brain into actually feeling that way. Forcing yourself to smile on days you feel down will actually boost your mood, along with those of the people around you.

Listen to music

Music can have a powerful effect on mood. Make a playlist of songs that leave you feeling happy or confident. When you’re feeling down, crank up the volume and sing along!

Take a walk

Physical exercise is one of the most effective mood-boosters. It gets your blood racing, promotes the production of endorphins, and gives you a jolt of positive energy. Go for a run or walk through a park or trail, or do yoga at home.

Eat chocolate or chew gum

It is scientifically proven that chemicals found in chocolate help stimulate the body’s pleasure sensors and production of serotonin. It’ll leave you feeling blissful with just a couple of bites! The repetitive action of chewing gum has also proven to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.

Let the sunshine in

Opening curtains and blinds to expose yourself to sunlight is one of the quickest ways to improve your mood. Exposure to natural light keeps your body rhythms in sync, and regulates sleep, metabolism and mood. Regular exposure to sunlight will make you feel happier and more refreshed.

Talk to a friend

Social connection is an effective mood-lifter. The happiest people have strong social relationships and spend lots of time with family and friends. Set aside time every day or week to just connect with and talk to friends and family.

Change your outfit

Clothes are exceptionally powerful. They can really help you feel better in your own skin. If you don’t like what you’re wearing, then change it. Wear something that makes you feel happy and confident. Putting on clothes in which you feel good will instantly make you feel better.

Lastly, reflecting on positive thoughts, feelings, experiences can always help you stay balanced and optimistic in life. Winston Churchill says, “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”


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