Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saje Brar: Whitecaps’ Very Own Rising Star

By Shanel Khaliq, 28 Nov, 2016

    At the young age of only 16 years, this striker already has her eyes set on representing Canada one day. 

    Saje Brar is one of the latest and youngest additions to the Vancouver Whitecaps FC Girls Elite REX Program and is all set to become a major force in women’s soccer. At the young age of only 16 years, this striker already has her eyes set on representing Canada one day. 
    Prior to joining the Whitecaps, Brar captained the Magnuson Ford Mariners in the BCSPL (BC Soccer Premier League). She credits this as leading her to bigger opportunities in the game. “I believe that that was the jumpstart into my path to the Whitecaps. Some of my best memories are from that time. While being on the Mariners I was selected in to the BC team from there. Simply getting that kind of exposure to such quality soccer really helped my chances with Whitecaps and helped me develop into the player I am now,” she recalls. 
    The rising star, who currently attends Elgin Park Secondary School in Surrey, claims her passion for sports started early on. She was playing rugby, volleyball and soccer however it was the latter that stayed with her and her determination to improve has only grown since then.  
    “Growing up I never went out with my friends or drank simply because I had a vision and a dream and I wasn't going to let anything in my way. At the end of the day all the sacrifices I made payed off in the long run,” she says. 
    After starting out in the BCSPL as the team captain she quickly advanced to the BC Provincial team roster three years in a row. This is where she was scouted and recruited into the Vancouver Whitecaps Girls Elite REX Team. Brar has won the Bronze medal with Coastal FC at the 2014 Canadian Soccer Association National Championships. Her skill level has allowed her to compete with girls older than her throughout her soccer career. 
    Simran Dhaliwal, who was also a part of the Whitecaps a few years ago has been her main inspiration. Dhaliwal has been personally training Brar before she made it to the Whitecaps and according to Brar, “She showed me the reins in becoming not only a good player but a great leader as well.” 
    Managing academics with her soccer schedule has been a struggle but Brar has found a way around it.
    “There isn't a single minute that I can waste slaking off or else I could fall behind. If you aren't willing to put the work into something, then don't expect to get any results out.” 
    Staying ahead of the game is crucial for her, in sport and at school. She makes sure that in her free time she plans ahead. That could include reviewing a chapter in advance or a concept before it is taught in class. 
    Besides playing for her national flag, Brar also hopes to win an Ivy League Championship for Yale University.

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