Monday, June 17, 2024

Aanarsa by Chef Ranveer Brar

By Chef Raveer Brar, 19 Oct, 2019

    Preparation time: 40 minutes (5 days of fermentation) 

    Cooking time: 15 minutes 

    Serves: 12-14 aanarsa 


    • 2 cups rice (the rice should not be sticky)
    • 2 cups jaggery, grated 
    • 2 tsps ghee + for deep frying
    • 2 tbsps milk
    • 2 tbsps poppy seeds


    • Wash the rice twice; fill with water till all the grains are soaked. Keep the rice soaked for five days, keep changing the water daily. 
    • On the sixth day, drain the water and spread rice grains on cloth. Let them dry out.
    • Grind them to a dry powder. Make fine powder as possible. Sieve the powder through a fine mesh.
    • Combine powdered rice, jaggery and ghee, and start kneading. Add milk to make pliable dough. It should be semi soft. 
    • Divide into 12-14 equal portions and make balls out of it. 
    • Sprinkle poppy seeds and place a dough ball. Start rolling over it and roll like a bit thick puri. 
    • Heat ghee in a kadai. Deep-fry the aanarsa in the ghee till golden brown. 
    • Drain the excess ghee and serve. 


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