Monday, June 10, 2024
Style and Beauty

The Green Fashion Trend

By Shweta Kulkarni, 30 Jan, 2019

    Strike a perfect balance between being sustainably stylish and eco-conscious.


    One can’t refute the fact that it is a perilous time for our ‘Planet Earth’ and while most of us eco-conscious souls are trying our best to do the needful to save the planet, it is time to make some amends in our fashion choices too. Yes, as much as you would dislike to hear it, the truth is that fashion, unfortunately, is damaging the environment and is one of the major contributors to pollution in our air and seas. Hence all the more reasons to adopt the eco-fashion or sustainable fashion trend.

    However, in the day and age of fast fashion, where trends change at an alarming speed and brands keep producing a large number of new designs every now and then, embracing sustainable fashion may appear quite challenging. But worry not, we are here to help you fix this quandary. There are several ways to strike that perfect balance between looking fashionable and at the same time be eco-conscious. We have put together a few tips and suggestions that will not only help you look stylish but also protect our planet. Check it out and let the fashion revolution begin….

    Re-Fashion Your Old Clothing

    Well, not purchasing new clothing doesn’t really restrict you from making new fashion statements. There are several ways to revamp and re-use your old clothes and yet make head-turning appearances. For example, while you have worn your basic tee on a casual day out with denim, you can also pair it with a well-cut blazer and trouser and stylishly carry it off as work attire. In the same way, a timeless jacket can zing up any look. So, don’t hesitate to be innovative and mix-match various items from your wardrobe. One can even revamp old pieces with some fun DIY projects.

    For example, instead of throwing away an old pair of jeans why not rip it or cut them off into shorts. Similarly, you can shorten a top or a tee into a crop-top, or cut a long skirt into a short. You can even accessorize your old clothing with scarves, belts and bags to give them a fresh look and feel. So, get creative and make some unique style statements while protecting the environment.

    Ban Using Items Toxic To The Environment

    Opting for clothes that are eco-friendly is not enough, it is important that you completely ban using items that are toxic to the environment from your wardrobe. Be it bags, shoes, jewellery or other accessories, avoid using items that are not eco-friendly to truly be fashionably eco-conscious.

    Skip Fast Fashion

    Yeah, this is a tough one but this is the very step you need to take to become fashionably eco-conscious. While cheap and affordable garments are alluring, they are hazardous to the planet as most of the fast fashion chains use cheap fabric which is not environmentally-friendly and causes more damage than you can ever imagine. Instead, start practising the slow-fashion movement and purchase sustainable garments that won’t fall apart within months of purchasing.

    Swap Instead Of Buying New Clothes

    No matter how often you re-vamped and re-fashioned your clothing, every once in a while, the fashionista in you may crave for something fresh. But that doesn’t mean you head to the stores and pick up a brand-new outfit. The core idea of eco-fashion is to buy less, so the perfect solution for your predicament is to swap your old clothes online or with friends or colleagues. There are plenty of sites online that encourage clothes swapping. So, go ahead, exchange your old clothing item, which of course is in good condition, and lay your hands on something new and exciting without adding to Mother Earth’s plight. Brilliant, isn’t it?

    Buy Only Organic

    Trust us, organic clothing is not boring. There is a wide range of styles and cuts available in organic clothing that are just perfect to help you make stunning fashion statements without being destructive to the planet.

    In fact, some of the premium and popular brands today like Mango, Zara, Triarchy, Everlane, Tom Ford, and others have joined the eco-fashion movement and launched collections that are made entirely from environmentally friendly organic fabrics. The brands are experimenting with innovative fabrics made from fruits such as orange fibres, pineapple husk or apples and are churning out some fabulous sartorial pieces, which will help you look fashionable without compromising on your eco-conscience.

    Rent Out

    Special occasions often demand special outfits; however, these dresses are rarely worn and mostly are lying in some corner of your wardrobe. Pointless to splurge too much money on it right? So, what’s the solution? Rent an outfit for the occasion instead. Not only is this a sensible choice that is easy on the pocket but also a more sustainable one too. The fashionista in you can always keep shining.

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