Sunday, June 9, 2024

Get Ready for Summer

By MRINALINI SUNDAR , 31 May, 2021
  • Get Ready for Summer

Come summer and it is a perfect time to give your house a refreshing facelift.


Whether you are living in a beach house or a tiny condo apartment - there are several ways to do this - from bold colours, dainty artifacts, splashy prints, to calming flowers. Will this take a toll on your pocket? Not really - we have curated ten ways to change the house up a little to bring about a beautiful change. So call those visitors over and throw that party for your recently made-over house is here to impress.

Spruce up your outdoor space

This may not sound easy but enjoying a patio set is the best way to enjoy the summer seasons. Find a nice shady spot, throw in some wooden benches and comfortable chairs, and add a lot of colourful cushions and pillows. Get some beautiful colourful flowers and decorate them on the dining table. From ice creams with family to a surreal date - we can already imagine this to be your go-to spot in the house.

Mirror Mirror

One of the last pointers is to find a nice empty wall add a mirror on the wall. Copper light fixtures to highlight the mirror and a table beneath it. Now place dainty art decorations on the wall. A vase with flowers will also be a good distraction on the table. This corner is pretty and as summery as it can get.


Add more colours

Colours can make or break the mood of the living room. The easiest way to add some zing to your room is by adding colour. What does that mean? From energizing paintings with a lot of colour to zing upholstery, there’s a lot that you can do. We start with paintings because they are the easiest to change. Colourful graphic paintings are a big plus. Change the look of the house by adding colourful cushion covers, and the easiest method of them all is to have big beautiful vases with colorful flowers in them. These small steps can easily turn your house ‘summery’.

Copper tones

When you add little metal fixtures in the house - it gives it a more sophisticated and glamorous look and feels to the house. How can one add them to the house? Start by making tiny changes - like light fixtures, lamps, coffee tables, kitchen accessories, and candleholders. These small touches can really lift the personality of the room.


Coloured lampshades

Sprucing up the living room is not that tough with a simple trick such as this. Change the lampshade with bright plain coloured lampshades. Add a simple and easy bouquet of flowers on the side to add some charm to the table.


Flowy curtains

Be it outdoor living or just uplifting the feel of your house - hanging flowy curtains can certainly give the house an airy and more relaxed feeling. A lot of it also depends on the kind of curtains you choose for the house - we like the plain white ones which has self motif patterns. If you are looking for something more colourful, choose kalamkari patterns and designs. You can also choose colourful cotton curtains that can make the house light and breezy.


Keep up the beachy vibes

Choose any corner in the house and give it a beachy twist with a jute rug, grey painted walls, woven wall hangings, and a comfortable beachy seating - this will be that perfect spot in the house with summer vibes. You can also add to this corner some cane magic with lamps and light fixtures which will add a lot of summer vibes.


Hello, Living Room

Choose a colour scheme that will be perfect for the living room. Our go-to colours are always blue and white - from blue cushions, rugs curtains, vases, and cutlery. Add some green to your room too - leafy plants and succulents will lift the mood of the house.


Animal prints are the best

For all those who want to give the room a whacky and cool look, try adding more animal prints - zebra stripes, leopard prints, and tiger stripes add a lot of zing to the room. Dainty and luxury pieces with a mix of animal prints can bring a lot of fresh perspectives to your otherwise dull room.

Fix your fireplace

So what do you plan to do for the next few months at the fireplace? Well, you obviously don’t need them for a while so what can you do in that space? Well, we suggest you keep some beautiful massive corals pieces at the spot. Not feeling like corals? Then you can go with big ceramic vases which will fill up the void.


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