Saturday, June 8, 2024

Change Is On Trend For 2017

By Ashley Stephens, 23 Jan, 2017

    Add an updated home to your list of New Year’s resolutions 

    With 2016 come and gone, bringing in with it a variety of mixed emotions and change for many people, it seems only fitting that the trends of 2017 are a significant switch from those of the previous year. If your New Year resolution involves a facelift or fresh start, your home may be the perfect place to start.
    When it comes to colours, this coming year will bring an earthy and organic yet still vibrant palette. “One of the colours forecasted to be the most popular is dark green; colours and tones that remind us of nature and growth,” says Deanna Reddy of Style by Deanna. “Paired with jewel tones and neutral walls makes for the perfect balance.”
    Blues in cobalt and navy, emerald greens that are bright and deep, and blush pinks to accentuate natural light – shades that allow for personality to pop while keeping consumers comfortable in their new colour choices. Homes will come to life with vibrant tones that are playful and rich.
    Breaking free from last year’s softer pastels, homes will have a much darker feel. Rooms will be warm and cozy yet with an air of mystery. Grey, taupe and beige will steal the show – irresistible neutrals that can make a statement without being too bright, bold or in your face.
    The darker trend continues into kitchens and laundry rooms as stainless steel slowly disappears and black stainless creeps in. Sleek and sophisticated yet soft and welcoming, black stainless can easily be incorporated into existing home décor.
    The influence of the outside world will be seen through a mix of many organic materials. Wood will be used for warmth, especially when mixed with elegant greys and industrial furnishings such as concrete and clay.
    “If you can believe it, cork is making a comeback,” says Reddy. “It’s time to retire those messy chalkboards everyone had to have and replace it with cork! This is a stylish yet practical idea that can add warmth and texture to any space, but better yet, it isn’t messy!” On trend with the earthy, warm feel that will dominate new décor is the resurgence of terracotta. Avoid painting your brick fireplace just yet and introduce warm terracotta-coloured throws and pillows into your living room.
    Another trend making a comeback? “Everything Boho!” Reddy says. “Adding that dose of earthiness to your space, layering up various tones of beige, stone, tans, whites, even blush, pairing it with lots of textures to keep things interesting. Now hang up that dream catcher and make a trip to the flea market!”
    Maps will be big this year throughout the home as our need to connect to the outside world continues to be seen indoors. As a mural or on accent pillows, cartography is a sophisticated and worldly trend on the rise for 2017.
    Metallics are still in but look for more of them to be coloured instead of the copper, gold and brass of past years. While these traditional metals may not disappear – you’ll still see them mixed with raw textures for an urban look – a new spin on the old will introduce a welcomed richness with brighter jewel tones. 
    Don’t be afraid to mix metals; cool and warm metallics will come together nicely when used as accent pieces or accessories, turning functional pieces into works of art. “Copper was huge in 2016 but definitely will fade out come 2017,” warns Reddy. “It had a short run on the trend stage, but the cheap and shiny imitation copper was too bold to stick around.”
    Also on its way out? White rooms, subway tiles, and white marble in excess. “As the world of technology is ever so expanding, an ‘all-white’ room is the furthest thing from the warm and cozy escape room’s people are seeking,” Reddy says.
    With more employees and entrepreneurs working from home, the popularity of serene spaces continues. Busy professionals need a place to escape and unwind and their homes are just the place to do so after a long day. Organic materials, warm yet mild colours and soft forms and textures create a space that provides an escape just steps away from a functional home office. Reading areas, away from technology, will offer the ability to unplug and unwind.
    From the fashion runway to homes around the world, retro design is making a comeback. With trends from the 60’s and 70’s showing up in creative industries, it’s no surprise interior designers are drawing inspiration from the colours, shapes and forms of the past. Chunky patterns, geometric designs, acrylic pieces and deep, bold colours will be welcomed in your home this coming year.
    “For 2017, it’s all about bringing that feeling of nature indoors,” says Reddy. Take a chance on a dark green, bring some of nature’s richness into your living room and ring in 2017 by connecting to nature while staying cozy in your own home.


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