Thursday, June 13, 2024

We will Triumph Again

By Dr. Pargat Singh Bhurji, 09 Apr, 2020
  • We will Triumph Again

Spend little time with news and more time connecting with your inner self

In times the globe has never seen before, the whole world is gripped with COVID-19 or the fear of infection. With over 1.2 million infected and over 250,000 recovered, total deaths, unfortunately, amount to over 60,000. The numbers are rapidly changing as we keep up with the dynamic, evolving landscape surrounding the virus.

Suddenly, we have come to think that all our possessions – be it the things we have collected inside our house, our cars, money, and achievements are of no real meaning. This is a mere illusion created by our egoistic mind; our real self is very basic. We are spiritual beings in a human experience.

What this pandemic has brought to everyone’s attention is the bravery of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, first responders, truckers, grocery workers, clean-up workers, transit workers, post/delivery staff and many more who are working tirelessly with compassion and expertise for our betterment. These are, in fact, our real heroes who have sacrificed everything to protect and treat us.

We must listen to our health authorities and try to be at home as much as possible. When going out, keep in mind the below precautions:

• Wear a mask

• Maintain 6 feet of physical distance between yourself and others • Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

That said, one idea that has surfaced during the times is that fear travels faster than the virus itself. We are bombarded with the word “corona” so many times a day. This starts to occupy space in our mind and these negative thoughts eventually generate fear, confusion, anxiety, and anger. However, it is important to realize and understand that our mind is not like a dustbin to keep such kind of negativity, but rather a place to keep love, kindness, compassion, bliss, grace, and divinity.

Meditation with deep breathing relaxation can help remove this negativity and restore positivity. Much needed at this time is for us to connect with ourselves. Inside our homes, we are undoubtedly in physical restrictions, but we can unlock our minds to read, write, listen to music, do Kirtan, play with our children and involve ourselves in creative things.

We can use technology for social communication with our friends, family and loved ones. Pandemics come and go – this shall also pass. Be in a positive mindset. Spend little time with news, but more time with your inner self. It is in your hands to change negativity to positivity. With time, together, we shall triumph again.



Images: GuruNanak painting by Artist  R S Dhanjal, istockphoto


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