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Celebrating Womanhood: Anita Bathe

By Petrina D'Souza, 27 Mar, 2020
  • Celebrating Womanhood: Anita Bathe

Anita Bathe is a Co-host of CBC Vancouver News at 6 & National Reporter

What does being a woman mean to you?

To me, womanhood is not as much an idea as it is an attitude. It’s knowing you deserve a seat at the table just as much as anyone else, and knowing that you are born equal.


What has been your biggest achievement, personally and professionally, as a woman?

I never separate my achievements based on gender — my achievements are achievements full stop. On a personal level, there are a lot of sacrifices I had to make in order to achieve my goals — it often meant working and volunteering six or seven days a week just to get my foot in the door. I had to be disciplined from a young age and I’m proud of the fact that I’ve been able to maintain strong relationships with my family and friends while trying to get to where I am today.

Becoming the co-host of CBC Vancouver News at 6pm has been a massive feat for me and I’m thankful to be able to do a job I’m so passionate about. After getting that job I also landed the role as a reporter for The National on Sundays – this is something I’ve wanted for a long time. 

The achievements I’m most proud of are related to stories that have made a difference in someone’s life. One that sticks out for me was my reporting of a gay man living in Afghanistan who was facing death by his own family. I remember talking to him secretly for several weeks while he was on the run and his situation was terrifying. Most of the time I didn’t know when or if he’d be able to reach out to me but eventually I was able to tell his story and that helped to expedite his refugee claim to Canada. Now, he has a whole new life living in B.C., he is safe and I’m so happy about that.

What’s your advice for women who wish to follow your path?

Don’t say no to opportunities that are offered to you, and always ask for opportunities yourself. I haven’t achieved success by putting my head down and waiting. I got to where I am because I kept pushing myself and asking my bosses to give me more responsibility. It’s also important to make relationships wherever you go because relationships, no matter what industry you’re in, will help you get to the next level — they are vital. Be genuine to everyone around you, including the people you are competing against. In the end, their failure doesn’t mean your success and vice versa. Finally, work hard because if you don’t there’s always someone else right behind you who is willing to.

Brought To You By: Teja Foods


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