Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Enjoy Your Backyard This Summer

By Tarana Rana, 15 Jun, 2020
  • Enjoy Your Backyard This Summer

Make the most of your backyard this summer with these kid-friendly activities.

Summer is almost upon us and there has never been a better time to slow down and enjoy the outdoors. While many of the usual summer activities in Vancouver have been put on hold due to COVID-19, you can still make the most of the warm weather by enjoying it from the comfort of your backyard. Rustle up some cherished family memories with some of these fun backyard activities.

Enjoy a Movie Under the Stars

Upgrade family movie nights by constructing a simple outdoor theatre in your backyard. If you have a projector, all you will need to do is secure a white sheet on a fence or a wall for the screen. If you want to go the extra mile, you could order a canvas screen off Amazon or build one yourself using PVC pipes. String some fairy lights to create an ambiance. Complete the look by arranging cozy blankets, cushions, or folding chairs for the family and don’t forget the popcorn and snacks.

Go Backyard Camping

Backyard camping is a cheap, fun way to make some memories with your children while you wait for the provincial campgrounds to reopen. Just pitch a tent in your backyard, complete with sleeping bags and hot cocoa for those campfire stories. Make the experience more authentic by roasting marshmallows and hotdogs on a fire pit if you have one. In a pinch, you could also use your grill to whip up some delicious s’mores.

Plant a Vegetable Garden

Starting a simple vegetable garden with your children is a great way for them to get outdoors and perhaps appreciate their vegetables a little bit more! When gardening with children, the key is to focus on easy-to-grow crops that have short growing seasons. Consider simple crops like lettuce, bush beans, carrots, radishes, snow peas, or cherry tomatoes. Once you’ve completed your harvest, mix up some fresh summer salads for a backyard picnic!

Work on a DIY Backyard Project

A good way to enjoy your backyard is to make something special for it, as a family. Whether it’s something easy as a birdfeeder or complex like a tree house, you’ll be sure to have a memorable time. Some other ideas you could explore include a garden planter, a stone path, a DIY fire pit, a wooden trellis or garden bench. The sky’s the limit here!

Create Your Personal Water Park

If the kids enjoy visiting spray parks or water parks on those hot summer days, you can recreate the experience in the comfort of your backyard. Construct a homemade waterpark by setting up a garden sprinkler and a slip and slide. Set up a small inflatable pool if you have one as well and provide spray bottles or water balloons for maximum fun. You could also fill a bucket of water with large sponges for some friendly water fights!

Enjoy Some Easy Lawn Games

Set up some easy lawn games to enjoy with the family. Classics like croquet, giant jenga, lawn bowling and bocce ball are always fun and can be easily ordered online. You can also make your own kid-friendly lawn games. For instance, you could make lawn scrabble set by cutting squares from cardboard boxes or heavy paper, and painting on the letters. Another simple DIY idea is to create a lawn bowling set by painting old soda bottles and using an old tennis ball.

Have a Family Tea Party

If you’re looking to switch up the usual backyard barbecues, an afternoon tea party makes for a fun alternative. Rustle up some sandwiches, mini desserts, your favourite baked goods, cheese and crackers, and a pot of hot or iced tea to around it up. If you have a patio set with a table, you could lay out a tablecloth and table settings for a fancier touch or keep it nice and stress-free with a picnic blanket on the lawn.



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