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Friday, September 20, 2024

Wedding Story: Taren & Andrew

Darpan News Desk, 18 May, 2017

    “Right before I gave the ring to her she said, “If you weren’t such an idiot, this would be a nice way to propose!”


    How did you meet each other? 

    We met at a friend’s party one summer evening.

    What do you love most about one another?

    Taren: His sense of humour.
    Andrew: Her laugh and her love for her family. 

    Could you share your proposal story?

    Andrew: I proposed on the sky walk in the UBC Botanical gardens, where we went on one of our first dates. Back then, we had hopped the fence to the sky walk because we got there after closing. Because it was closed and we were the only people there, we recreated that date sneaking in again after hours, but this time I had the ring. Right before I gave it to her she said, “If you weren’t such an idiot this would be a nice way to propose!” 

    Describe your wedding day. What was your favourite moment?

    The experience of the temple surrounded by 400 family and friends was our favourite moment. 

    Could you tell us about your reception?

    It was an informal gathering with no set tables. It was just people socializing, eating and dancing. It was all about having a good time, socializing and ripping it up on the dance floor. There was Indian street food, a home made bar, and it was set on Granville Island (one of our favourite places in the city).

    Can you describe your outfits?

    Taren: Our outfits were designed by me and with the help of Sunny’s Bridal. I wanted complimentary colours and a romantic fall look.

    Where did you honeymoon?

    We backpacked for a month through Malaysia and Thailand, chilling out on the beach, hiking through the jungle, shopping in the markets, and exploring ruins.

    What are your goals as a couple?  

    Not to drive each other crazy, get old and have fun on the way. We might throw in a kid or two.

    What are your favourite quotes?

    “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller

    What are the strengths of your marriage?

    Taren: We laugh a lot and make fun of each other. Trust and communication help, plus I’m super cool and Andrew is a nerd, so opposites attract.

    If you could provide any advice to other married couples, what would it be?

    Don’t take life so seriously and enjoy the little stuff. Don’t stay mad, everyone loses it from from to time. No point stressing the small stuff.


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