Sunday, June 2, 2024

Gadget Trends

Roshini Sakhrani & Adrian Joseph, Darpan, 11 Jul, 2014
    Love taking pictures with your device but don’t want to spend a fortune on a camera? The Olloclip is an accessory designed for various models of iPhones, and slides onto the existing camera providing fisheye, wide-angle and macro lens capabilities. Transform your smartphone into a mobile photographing device without spending thousands of dollars, for under $100 you can get a variety of different lenses for the iPhone.
    Tired of forgetting your charger at home and having your smartphone die on you before your day ends? There’s a convenient solution for that, and the company, Nomad has developed a portable cable that is shaped like a house key and slips on to your key ring. Whether your device is an Android, Windows or iOS, Nomad has a spectrum of devices covered with the portable cables starting at USD $29 and offers free shipping on two or more products. The lightning cable for iPhones and micro USB for Androids are built to hang and bend from its USB source and provides a durable component to make the accessory last.
    Goji Lock
    Who needs keys anymore? The Goji Lock will give you remote access to your front door and back door, give time-controlled access to others via a text message and see who’s at the door even when they’re not behind it. Did we mention that it also sends a confirmation text message when a lock has been activated? Goji allows you to send out an unlimited number of virtual keys restricted by time and date, giving the holders wireless access to your home via Bluetooth or WiFi. If you’re concerned about privacy, Goji allows you to use the device’s 1-megapixel camera to take a picture of their face and alert you of the visitor, allowing you final say in who gets to come in. Who needs a peephole in their door anymore when you can have a rounded device to secure and give you access to your house? The product is expected to ship out June 2014.
    Netatmo Thermostat
    Netatmo is an innovative company that develops products for a better-connected lifestyle and enhances day-to-day activities. The Thermostat is designed for smartphones and remotely controls heating wherever you are in the world at any time. With the use of a PC or smartphone, users can monitor and adjust heating with the free app. By giving the user access to temperature data and a history of energy consumption, the user can understand how to manage their budget with regards to heating and cooling in the house. The product is set to roll out in June 2014.
    Kolibree Toothbrush
    Brushing your teeth just got more fun with the Kolibree toothbrush. The device collects data brushing habits including duration, frequency and neglected zones in your mouth and then communicates with your iOS or Android smartphone thanks to Bluetooth technology. The toothbrush is paired with the downloadable app by giving real time feedback and long-term reporting to see how well you’ve done each time and how you have improved over time. Kolibree will be up for presale this summer and will ship out by the third quarter of this year.
    Polaroid Socialmatic
    With the digital revolution taking over, who would have thought that Polaroid cameras would make a comeback? The Socialmatic camera has a 14-megapixel camera, a 4.5” touchscreen LCD display that runs Android, Zero Ink printer and WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities. The two great features that differentiate the camera from a smartphone are the printing and sharing aspects. After taking a picture with the back camera or the 2-megapixel front camera, it allows users to share the photo and upload it to a social media site of your choice. The product will be made available by fall 2014.
    iPhone 6
    After much success of the iPhone 5S, everyone is talking about the successor and what new features it will bring. Apple keeps its product releases and device specifications under close lock and key from the public making the anticipated device even more exciting. According to various sources, rumours indicate the new iPhone will focus on health and the handset will embody a 4.7-inch display and Touch ID button on its face. With the upcoming iPhone 6, tech enthusiasts can expect a software upgrade and anticipate the launch of iOS 8. At the June 2014 Worldwide Developer’s Conference, rumours indicate that Apple may announce specs of its new device that could launch later this year. 
    Oh Elon!
    Elon Musk, engineer and CEO of Tesla, wants you to take a ride on Hyperloop, a solar-powered supersonic pod-train. A city-to-city system that can move people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes. Apparently, because of the controlled environment, there is minimal friction which means the energy required is less compared to other options. Read all about it, the plans can be found in a 57 page PDF file.
    According to Musk, the ideal new transport system must be safer, faster, affordable, convenient, weather resistant, sustainable, durable and undisruptive – a tall order indeed!
    Virtual Reality
    Virtual reality is coming soon via Oculus Rift to push limits creating a new experience that they’re hoping to sell for around $300. Along the same vein, contact lenses that help enhance normal vision with megapixel 3D panoramic images are being designed by scientists using military funding.
    Now Innovega researchers (with help from DARPA and the NSF) are developing novel contact lenses that can help view tiny full-color megapixel displays. Potential medical applications include helping those with vision problems, including macular degeneration. For those who do not want to rely on contact lenses, future versions could involve lenses directly implanted within the eye.


    Gadget Trends

    Gadget Trends

    Top gadget trends for this season. Go Grab 'em !

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