Friday, June 7, 2024

The importance of Simran Meditation

By Chardi Kala Sikh Sangat, 12 Apr, 2019

    “Meditating, meditating in remembrance, I have found peace.” Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Ang 202



    The world is going through a vast change and the rapid advancement of technology has made it challenging to find our neutral state of mind. Various methods through scientific, psychological and spiritual reasoning are collectively emphasizing meditation to assist in a holistic approach to human wholesomeness and balance. Simran is a form of meditation in which one partakes in the internal remembrance of God’s name. Simran was emphasized by Guru Nanak Dev ji to aid ones soul to merge with the vibration of Waheguru (God). Simran is an integral part of the Sikh way of life. Thus, it was labelled by Guru Nanak Dev ji as one of the three essential pillars of Sikhi, and throughout the Guru Granth Sahib, the importance of Simran is communicated in detail. “Meditating, meditating in remembrance, I have found peace.” Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Ang 202

    Simran allows us to clear our minds, detach from the day to day events, release stress, confusion and emotions. It guides us through our negative and positive mindsets to access our neutral mind. “Meditating and vibrating on the Lord of the Universe in the Company of the Holy, you shall become steady and stable.” (Guru Granth Sahib ji Ang 1355) Repeating and remembering Waheguru throughout our day helps us through our ups, downs and challenges in life. As described beautifully by Bhai Hari Nam Singh Khalsa, “Simran is the art of stillness.” He has been meditating since his early 20s and continues to do so daily. It has impacted his life deeply, and the healing strength he has received from repeating the name of Waheguru has allowed him to serve the community and to teach people to use the advanced technology of Simran in their life.

    Repetition of God’s name, the naam, is the easiest and simplest form of meditation. It can be done sitting closed-eyed or while doing your daily activities; focusing and chanting Waheguru. Meditating allows us to connect to our inner truth and the light of our existence. Naam is the life force of creation; it is what makes our hearts beat, flowers blossom, and the world turn. Meditating on the Naam gifts one an unexplainable sense of internal bliss and oneness. If we chant, contemplate and sing God’s name, we harness that life force. The Naad or sound current from chanting allows one to stimulate the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary gland) and allows the glandular system to secrete chemicals that cause bliss. Further, Simran allows us to tune into our own identity and simultaneously let go of the focus on ourselves, to cut through our ego and move through our limitations and experience bliss. 

    Additionally, Simran can be done in a congregation known as Sangat by Sikhs. In a Sangat, each participant will have their individual experience and as everyone meditates and comes together, there is a thread that weaves through each person. This uniformed thread increases the magnitude of the power of Naam Simran. As such, being in a supporting network allows one to focus and flow in a wavelength and frequency that quantifies their personal experience. Those who have had the opportunity to meditate state that it allows them to relax and clear their minds. Scientific research also supports that meditation has been linked to mindful behaviour, emotional retention, increased concentration and working memory, increased empathy and reduction in stress. The Guru Granth Sahib states that Simran is invaluable, not only does it aid you now in the present but beyond life. “Meditating on the Naam with a pure mind, the Door of Liberation is found,” Ang 33.

    We encourage you to incorporate Simran into your life and clean your slate and essentially start and move forward through each day. As soap and water cleanses the body, meditating will help cleanse the subconscious and internal mind; in turn, raising your inner vibration to experience and embrace the universal creator (Waheguru). Take the challenge to rise up to the occasion and leave behind past circumstances and focus on your present growth and inner beauty. In turn, spread your light upon others. One lit candle lighting another can light up an entire nation.




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