Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sanjeev Kapoor's TANDOORI MAKKI KI ROTI Recipe

By Chef Sanjeev Kapoor, 11 Apr, 2018



    2 cups corn meal (makki ka atta)
    Salt to taste
    Fresh home-made white butter, as required


    Put some water in the bottom container of the gas oven tandoor. Place the perforated plate over and cover with the lid and heat.
    Place corn meal in a bowl. Add salt and mix. Add lukewarm water and knead into a soft dough.
    Take small portions of dough in your damp palm and spread with damp fingers into a small roti.
    Keep them on the perforated plate, cover and cook for two minutes.
    Turn them over and cook till the other side is similarly cooked.
    Serve hot with home-made butter and sarson ka saag.
    Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has figured in the Reader’s Digest list of 100 of India’s Most Trusted people. His popularity and contribution to Indian cuisine is such that the Government of India conferred on him the National award of Best Chef of India. Kapoor’s food show Khana Khazana ran for 18 years on ZEE channel, a record that is yet to be broken. Kapoor’s books are bestsellers with more than 200 titles in seven languages. 


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