Friday, June 7, 2024
Darpan Salutes

Ajay Bahadur Singh: Making Dreams Come True

By Garima Goswami, 23 Jul, 2018

    Zindagi, initiated by Singh, is a program for students that are highly talented but have limited financial means to pursue higher education in medicine.

    Ajay Bahadur Singh is one of the many success stories of India. He has initiated a program called Zindagi that offers tuition for students pursuing higher education in medicine. Modelled along the lines of Super 30, a record setting program run by the acclaimed mathematician Anand Kumar, Zindagi is specifically set for students that are highly talented but have limited financial means to undertake the crucial but highly-expensive tuition classes. These tuition classes, popularly termed as coaching classes in India, have students flocking in droves with the hopes of passing the competitive entrance exam for medical colleges in India.
    Under the program, Zindagi, 20 students are provided free tuition and boarding for one year in Odisha. This year, 18 students successfully secured admission into medical colleges across India. “It is only due to the best monitoring of our faculty members, hard work of our students, faith of our parents and support of our entire team. Congratulations to all,” Singh shares on Facebook. 
    Growing up, Singh aspired to become a doctor but family obligations prevented him from pursuing higher education in this field. Singh’s father was an engineer and aspired to make his son a doctor. However, a kidney transplant of Singh’s father forced the family to sell their property, leaving them financially constrained. In order to support his family, Singh had to sell tea. “I had to sell tea and other stuff for my family’s sustenance,” Singh tells media. Despite not being able to become a doctor himself, Singh is supporting several students in realizing their dreams of pursuing a career in medicine by providing free tuition. 
    Zindagi currently runs under the Adyant Educational and Charitable Trust. Singh himself does not teach but has a team of about 20 teachers. Funds for the program are arranged through Adyanta Science College, that is also run by Singh. “My commitment [is] towards the students of Odisha to bring world class infrastructure and quality education under one roof in order to brighten up the underprivileged students of remote areas of the state,” writes Singh’s on his Facebook page.
    The recent success of 2018 has procured limelight on Singh’s work and his program not only in Odisha but the whole country. “This experience is fantastic. My team will continue working continuously to work out the life of the promising class of the society,” Singh tells media. Such has been the impact that Kumar, whom Singh describes as the inspiration behind Zindagi, has collaborated with him to make their mission a success. And although Zindagi is a fairly new initiative, it has built a reputation of trust and success. “I started the initiative in 2010. Initially, two-three students came for coaching and students started qualifying for medical college in 2012. This year, 18 students have been selected in the medical entrance examination,” Singh tells media. 
    One of the success stories of Zindagi is Twinkle Sahu, a student who sold flowers outside a temple in Odisha to help her family with the finances. One day while Sahu was sitting outside the temple selling flowers and reading a book, Singh came up to her and asked Sahu about her story and her dreams. That episode culminated into Sahu registering as a student at Zindagi and eventually being accepted at a medical college in the country. “I faced innumerable difficulties in life. We are poverty stricken. But my desire and the help of Zindagi has helped me to qualify in the medical entrance test,” Sahu told media. 
    Sahu is one of many students that have been impacted by Singh’s vision and mission. Though he could not realize the dream of becoming a doctor himself, Singh is fulfilling the dreams of many students and families through his program Zindagi. As per news reports, Kumar has collaborated with Singh to help students in Odisha. Together they are also challenging a rigid system in India that filters out access to quality education only to those that can afford it. Singh aims to help more talented students across the country and we wish him the very best! To support Singh’s program, Zindagi, visit:
    Photos: Courtesy of AB Singh/ Facebook

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