Sunday, June 16, 2024
Health and Fitness

Plan Your Summer Fitness Routine!

By Paul Gill, Darpan, 24 Jul, 2014

    Are you thinking of starting an exercise routine this summer? If so, you’re in luck because summer is the easiest time to start exercising. With the sun being out and the days being long, it’s easy and convenient to get going in summer. If you are about to begin exercising remember to start the process in a controlled and logical manner. In other words, don’t just dive in! Always develop a good plan before you begin to ensure good results for all your hard work.

    Step 1: Decide What You Want to Accomplish

    It may sound trivial but I have found all too often that this is a missing link in an individual’s plan. It does not have to be something grand or a mission statement developed by scholars. It can be as simple as stating, “I want to exercise so I can become a better runner”. Perhaps for some of you the statement will be, “I want to exercise to lose some body fat”. By adding clarity to your goal, you will be able to point yourself in the direction you need to be heading to make it a reality. Still not sure what you want to accomplish? No problem, here is a list of things to get you started and you can put a check in the box for the items that are appropriate. (Don’t worry; I won’t share your reasons with anyone else!)

    Step 2: Decide on How to Get There

    Knowing what you want is half the battle, the other half is deciding what you are prepared to do to get there. Considering that it’s summer time, you have maximum options. Cycling, jogging, weightlifting, boot camp, swimming, elliptical trainers and treadmills are just a few of the options out there. Which one is right for you? Decide which ones are right for you and if you want to maximize results, you should combine weight training with some form of cardiovascular training such as swimming or jogging, etc. Again, check off from the list below what is right for you. Only check off what you are prepared to do!

    Step 3: Set a Schedule  

    When is the right time for you to do all of this exercising? Is it Monday, Wednesday and Saturday? Or perhaps Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings are good? What's right for you may be totally inappropriate for others so make some decisions. Formulate your plan below and try your best to stick to it.
    Step 4: Pick a Start Date
    How can you get anywhere when you don’t know when you’re leaving? Will you begin this journey in mid July or wait until early August? Either way, fill in the blanks below and nail down exactly when you want to get this show on the road. Remember, I will be cheering you on the entire way!
    Month ________    Day_________

    Step 5: Celebrate

    Have you completed steps 1 through to 4? If you have, then celebrate! If not, go back and complete them. It will only take 5 minutes of your time, maybe less. By completing steps 1 through to 4, you now have a plan. With a plan, you are 10 times more likely to succeed and if you are going to be putting in all the sweat, don’t you deserve some good results? With a plan, you have set a target and have a roadmap to what you are trying to achieve. With a plan, you can make slight deviations when required and re-focus on your goals, regardless of any road blocks. Make it happen this summer and continue your good habits right into fall and winter to ensure long term success.

    On a final note, remember to enjoy the summer months and insist on spending time outdoors while you can. Being active outdoors and having the ability to run, jog, cycle or hike is a luxury that should be utilized while it’s available. Start slowly, build up to 4 to 6 days a week of activity and you’ll be in great shape in no time.

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