Sunday, June 16, 2024

Hara Bhara kebab

Kishore Rangan Darpan, 29 Mar, 2023


    1 cup Soya Granules

    1 chopped Green Chilli

    1 teaspoon Ginger chopped

    1 cup Green Peas( frozen or fresh)

    2 cups chopped Spinach fresh

    1 teaspoon Chaat Masala or amchoor powder

    2 tablespoons Chickpea Flour or Besan

    Salt to taste

    100 gms khoya ( grated)

    100gms fresh pomegranate seeds

    3 tablespoons Oil (divided)


    Soak the soya granules in hot water and set aside. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan and add green chillies, ginger. Saute for a minute till fragrant and add green peas and salt. Cover and cook till the peas are soft.

    Add spinach and raw mango powder (amchoor) and sauté for 2-3 minutes till the spinach wilts completely. Set aside to cool. Strain the soya granules, squeeze out the water completely and add them to a mixer grinder, along with the green peas and spinach mixture.

    Pulse a few times till the mixture is mixed through but still coarse. Transfer it to a bowl and mix in the chickpea flour (besan). Form the mixture into flat circles, press in the center add a teaspoon full with khoya and pomegranate seeds, stuff and make patties securing the sides do not split.

    Heat the remaining oil in a non stick pan, and add 4-5 tikkis or as many that fit into the pan without crowding. Cook them on either side for 5-8 minutes till golden brown over medium heat. Repeat with the remaining tikkis. Serve hot with mint coriander chutney.


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