Friday, June 14, 2024

Family Fame, Family First – Sahvan Gill

Ashley Stephens, Darpan, 10 Jul, 2014
  • Family Fame, Family First – Sahvan Gill
As the leading point scorer for his school’s basketball team, an important member of the soccer team and a long-time hockey player at Burnaby Winter Club, Sahvan Gill is an all-around athlete with impressive skills and big dreams.
The young 14-year-old from Surrey has been skating since he was almost three. Inspired by his father, a select soccer player who had the opportunity to play professionally, Gill played sports from a young age. Hockey was the first organized sport he played and the one he hopes will become his future career.
As someone who embraces the challenge of sports, calling it the best part, Gill proudly talks about his accomplishments, recalling how several years ago he was one of two hockey players to make a team out of the 40 who tried out.
Great-grandson of wrestler-turned-actor Dara Singh, Gill might feel like he’s got big shoes to fill but instead he draws inspiration from his famous family member. “I remember the movie posters and trophies at his house, it was all inspiring to me,” Gill recalls. “He didn’t have to say much – it was fun being around him!”
Singh began wrestling in 1946 and was eventually inducted into the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame. Simultaneously, Singh entered the entertainment industry in 1952 where he acted in, produced, directed and wrote movies and television shows over the span of more than 60 years. “He was a champion wrestler and famous movie star – not many people can say that!” exclaims Gill. 
If an inspiring grandfather isn’t enough motivation from within the family, Gill is quick to recognize the role his parents have played in his life. “My dad was my first coach and still is,” he says. “He is one of my biggest fans and critics. I very much enjoy having him and my mom come to my games. My mom is very demanding when it comes to academics – my homework has to be done before I can play anything.” Gill gives his mother credit for his honour roll achievements. “Life is family!” he says.
Gill may already be on the path to success at such a young age but he’s quick to praise others for helping him along the way. “I would like to acknowledge the coaches at Burnaby Winter Club and Surrey Minor, who have helped me challenge myself and try to make me the best player and person I can be,” Gill says. The young athlete looks forward to giving back to youth in the community through mentoring and coaching in the same ways that he himself has benefited. 
With a supportive family, a strong community and dreams of going pro, Gill’s on track with his talent to get to the top.


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