Monday, June 17, 2024

10 Apps for Anxiety Management

By Mrinalini Sundar, 06 Aug, 2020
  • 10 Apps for Anxiety Management

An app to monitor your breathing, to help you destress, or avoid a panic attack? Well, yes, there are apps for that too.

There are apps for everything. Browse through the App Store and the options are unlimited. There's something to find true love, for marriage, for healthy eating habits, weight loss, oh, the list could go on. But have you ever thought of apps to manage that mind that goes into spiraling thoughts? An app to monitor your breathing, to help you destress, or avoid a panic attack? Well, yes, there are apps for that too. Such apps are easy to download and are mostly straightforward. What they do for you is distract you, take your mind off things, mitigate anxiety, and avoid feelings that could trigger an overload of emotions.


Here's a look at a few apps that do the trick for you:


One of the main reasons for anxiety and depression is lack of sleep. That's what this app will fix for you. Or at least can help you with it. Meditation gurus and practitioners guide you on how to manage stress, with daily short meditation sessions, and help you lull into a relaxed sleep. They also ask their users how much time they would like to spend on the app in order to suggest solutions accordingly.


Don't deal with panic attacks alone. The next time you feel low, log onto Rootd app which promotes mindful exercises, deep breathing tactics, and general happiness. Another important feature with this female-led app is that there is an emergency contact on the app which when pressed calls your loved ones immediately.


Do you know your breathing pattern changes when you get a panic attack? What you need at that point is monitored breathing, soothing music, and looking at nature-centric pictures. You get all this and more in this app. Most importantly, it guides you on how to breathe, longer inhale and exhale patterns, and makes you comfortable.


One of the most satisfying things to do is to engage in mindless games that require very little concentration. The good thing about such games is that they help you avoid overthinking or slip into anxiety. Antistress is one such app that has several cute games that are super distracting and a brilliant way to pass time. Games like juicer and fruit slicer are easy-peasy and can be a great way to divert.


Any art form can help you cope with anxiety - but painting and colouring especially can be very useful. One such app is Colorfy- which offers mandalas and paintings that you can colour for hours together. If you are already a mandala artist and have sample pieces, you have the option of posting them on to the app as well. The simple click-to-fill options help you colour the mandalas leaving no rooms for mistakes. This way you are distracted, your anxiety is at bay, and you can concentrate on positive things.


What's Up?

If you are the kind who likes setting targets and achieving them- then this app is for you. This app takes a more strategic approach with its four options, Help Right Now, Coping Strategies, Information, and Personal. As a user, you also get to personalize your approach toward anxiety. If journaling is of interest to you and you like writing things, this app gives you that option as well. If identifying your emotions and dealing with them is the toughest part - download this app today!


One of the most popular apps of the lot - Headspace is all about guided meditation that can help you focus on happiness, productivity, mindfulness, and balance on an everyday basis. What is best about the app is the number of options available for beginners and it is equally interactive.


Stop Panic & Anxiety Self-Help

The best way to deal with your anxiety is by making a note of your challenges, emotional trigger points, or any sort of emotional rollercoaster that you experience. What gets even better is that there is audio content that you can listen to as well as empowering reading material for you to stay positive always. There is also an Emotional Training track that helps you streamline your thoughts and bring more calm to your mind.

Acupressure: Heal Yourself

You probably are thinking if you can do this by yourself? Well, yes you can and that's why it is on our list. Acupressure is an old method to relieve pain by massaging pressure points. This app provides an illustrated guide on locating these pressure points and shows how the massage needs to be done. This process helps relieve anxiety, muscle tension, headache, and indigestion. All you need to do is a massage with your fingertips and it is safe to do it on yourself for maximum results.


Sleep Time

Do you sleep for seven hours straight without disturbances? It is hard to tell- that's where this app comes into the picture. This app analyzes your sleep, has an alarm clock, a wake-up algorithm, and some soothing sounds to trickle in that positive vibe. How disturbed or good are your sleep cycles - or any unusual trends - this app will track all of that. All you need to do is place it on the bed for it to do the work.



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