Saturday, April 27, 2024

Wedding Story - Jesse & Hapi

Be truthful and honest. Give each other space and time apart. Talk to each other if something bothers you. Be smart with your finances. A lot of marriages fail because they fight over money. Overall, unconditional love!

6 Most Romantic Places to Propose to a Girl

6 Most Romantic Places to Propose to a Girl

Be it a sky train station, supermarket or the office cafeteria, the place where she first caught your eye. Selecting such a place shows that you wanted it to be personal and takes you back to where it all began.

Wedding Story - Karan & Garry

Q: How did you meet? A: We met through mutual friends. Q: Could you share your proposal sto...

Wedding Story - Sheetal & Allan

Wedding Story - Sheetal & Allan

Q: How did you meet? Allan & Sheetal : We met through work Q: What do you love most ...

Wedding Story - Priscilla & Roy

Wedding Story - Priscilla & Roy

Roy and I had plans to watch a movie on the day it happened but plans changed when I was handed a note from my brother. The note stated to follow steps and that’s when a private escalade picked me up from my house. I was taken to the Olympic cauldron (a symbol of when we met) then I was escorted to the Vancouver seaplane terminal where Roy had proposed. We boarded a private seaplane to Horseshoe Bay to the boathouse where we had our first Valentine's day date.

Wedding Story - Gagan & Reena

Wedding Story - Gagan & Reena

Q: How did you meet? A: An online introduction and the rest is history.   Q: What do...