Friday, May 17, 2024

Supreet Sidhu - Championing Punjabi Heritage

Monica Sethi Darpan, 15 Apr, 2024 12:34 PM
  • Supreet Sidhu - Championing Punjabi Heritage

In the bustling landscape of New York City, amidst the rich diversity of cultures, one individual stands out for her innovative approach to preserving and celebrating Punjabi heritage: Supreet Sidhu. A multifaceted professional, Supreet wears many hats—from being a cherished photographer capturing life's precious moments to pioneering playful methods of teaching Punjabi. Her journey is not just about personal growth; it's a testament to the power of cultural preservation and the importance of language in shaping identity.

Born and raised in Mumbai, Supreet's story took a significant turn when she relocated to New York at 13. Amidst the whirlwind of adjustment, she yearned to reconnect with her Punjabi roots, feeling a profound disconnection in her new environment. The discovery of a Gurmukhi book sparked a journey of self-discovery, laying the foundation for her commitment to preserving Punjabi culture.

Supreet's dedication to learning Gurmukhi was not merely a personal endeavour but a promise to future generations. As she embraced motherhood, she realized the profound impact of language and culture on identity formation. Determined to provide her daughter with a solid connection to her heritage, Supreet embarked on a mission to make learning Punjabi fun and accessible.

The result? Punjabi Era and the Gurmukhi Box—a testament to Supreet's ingenuity and passion for blending tradition with modernity. The Gurmukhi Box, designed with playful elements inspired by the Montessori approach, offers children a captivating journey into the Punjabi language and culture. From interactive foam magnets to engaging flashcards, Supreet's creation fosters immersive learning experiences that resonate with children and their families.

Reflecting on her journey since launching the Gurmukhi Box, Supreet cherishes the moments of connection and impact. Whether it's witnessing children proudly writing their names in Gurmukhi or fostering intergenerational bonding through language learning, each milestone reaffirms the importance of her mission.

Yet, Supreet's vision extends beyond individual success. She sees herself as a bridge between Punjabi communities worldwide, fostering collaboration and mutual support. Drawing inspiration from her visit to Surrey, BC, where Punjabi language integration in education is more pronounced, Supreet envisions a future where New York and Surrey exchange best practices, enriching the global Punjabi diaspora.

In Supreet's eyes, preserving Punjabi culture is not just about language; it's about fostering a sense of belonging, community, and pride. Through her innovative initiatives and unwavering dedication, she's shaping Punjabi education's future and empowering individuals to embrace their cultural heritage with joy and resilience.

As Supreet's journey unfolds, one thing remains certain: her passion for preserving Punjabi culture will continue illuminating paths of connection and understanding, inspiring future generations.


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