Monday, June 17, 2024

5 Steps for a Winter Break from Alcohol

By Annie Grace, 21 Nov, 2016

    Here are some much-needed tips to take the plunge and swear off booze for the winter.


    Maybe your motivations are health related, or perhaps your arm was twisted so far it almost broke but whatever your reasons here you are – taking the plunge and swearing off booze for the winter. Well first, good for you! Second, here are some much-needed tips to turn the season of missing out into an empowering time you may just want to repeat.

    Flip your thinking.

    A sure-fire way to fail is to focus on what you’re missing out on. If you’re looking at your dry season as a time you’re depriving yourself it’s going to be hard to stay motivated and want to succeed. Focus on the positives of why you’re doing it – you’re going to lose the holiday weight since you’re not consuming empty calories. You’re saving money. You’re sleeping better. Small victories add up and help pass the time much quicker!

    Observe your thoughts.

    Take the time to reflect on why you’re craving a drink. What purpose do you think the alcohol is going to fulfill? Is there another option that would also work? Working through your feelings and beliefs surrounding alcohol will allow you to understand the reasons you drink and find alternatives to consuming alcohol.

    Know how to navigate your No’s

    The pressure to drink can be overwhelming, especially when socializing with friends. Since saying “no” (to anything) can be awkward, the best way to turn down an alcoholic drink is by saying yes to a non-alcoholic drink. You can do this by making the first move, and getting something delicious and non-alcoholic in your hand before you are asked. If someone asks you if you want a drink simply respond; “Yes, I would love a soda and lime.” If someone asks you specifically if you want a glass of wine or a beer you will have to say no, but you can quickly flip that to a yes by saying; “No thank you, I actually need a bit of caffeine and would love a diet coke.”

    Find a friend.
    Having support is crucial. If you can find a friend who will join you in your pact for a dry winter then by all means take advantage of it. This friend can be your lifeline when you feel tempted and you can also plan activities that don’t involve alcohol with them. The beginning of the year is a perfect time to start a new hobby or activity you’ve always wanted to try!
    Treat yourself
    You’re probably saving a significant amount of time, money and energy by not drinking. Reward yourself for it! If you usually went out drinking on the weekend to reward yourself for a long work week treat yourself to something else instead. Luxury chocolate, a movie, a massage or a new video game. Whatever is rewarding to you.
    Although people will feign support, the truth is your friends may not want you to be successful (gasp!). They might not understand why you are doing this or they may feel internal guilt about not stepping up to the challenge. Or they may simply miss their drinking buddy. In any case, peer pressure can be a challenging pitfall to your goal for a better you. Remember to focus on your reasons for not drinking. It might be easier to adjust your social calendar in the beginning to not only resist the temptation to imbibe but to also not make others feel guilty for choosing differently from you. This could be the start to a healthier, happier you!
    About the writer
    Annie Grace is the author of: This Naked Mind; Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life. She left the heavy-drinking corporate world behind to write her book and share the painless way she found to regain control of her life.


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