Monday, June 10, 2024

Back to Normal? A Post-vaccination Canada

Back to Normal? A Post-vaccination Canada

As governments put a stop to social activities we previously took for granted, the question of finally returning back to the delicacies of ‘normal’ life lingers.

The Gunfire Pandemic: When will it end?

The Gunfire Pandemic: When will it end?

Staying safe these days may not just in reference to the pandemic, but also general social safety in our cities. 

6 Indian Web-series To Watch Out For

6 Indian Web-series To Watch Out For

From thriller to cop drama, to dark comedy to women-centric stories — there is indeed some promising content lined up for OTT release in the coming year. 

The Sikh Foundation

The Sikh Foundation

It has been over 50 years since The Sikh Foundation was established and the work they have done in the field of education and culture is exceptional.

Serving Humanity At No Cost

The purpose of this hospital is to serve humanity; Sikhs are known for this, we are doing this for years. Soon you will see, this will not be just India’s but the world’s largest kidney dialysis hospital.

Serving Humanity At No Cost

Serving Humanity At No Cost

The purpose of this hospital is to serve humanity; Sikhs are known for this, we are doing this for years. Soon you will see, this will not be just India’s but the world’s largest kidney dialysis hospital.