Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Take a Trip by Yourself

By Ashley Stephens, 31 May, 2016
  • Take a Trip by Yourself

Travelling on your own terms and where in the world it can take you


Your ticket is booked, your bags are packed and you’re waiting at the yourself. Whether you’re taking off to escape the everyday or you’re out to explore, taking a solo vacation may be just what you need to make the most of your limited time to travel.

“Travel already brings out personal discovery,” says Rahim Teja, international travel consultant for Flight Centre Coquitlam Centre Mall, “but it is much more profound when you are the only one influencing your thoughts and your environments. You will get to know yourself on a much deeper level.”

When your mistakes and accomplishments are all your own, it is both challenging and redeeming to be held accountable for your actions. Taking a solo trip can be a learning experience where saying yes or no to yourself, and only yourself, is an unusual but freeing opportunity to grow.

One of the biggest benefits to a solo trip is that you’re alone; being alone means you get to do what you want, when you want, how you want, says Teja. “It allows you to be selfish instead of travelling with companions and always making sacrifices.”

You don’t have to wait for others to get ready or compromise on what you really want to do with your time. Last minute decisions are easy to accommodate and your opinion is the only one to consider. Being on your own schedule can ensure your trip goes exactly how you envisioned.


Travelling without a partner means the memories you create are yours and yours alone. For some, the solitude is welcome, allowing for a chance to reconnect with oneself and embrace their uninterrupted thoughts. “Travelling alone allows you to really get to know yourself,” Teja says. For others, the need to reminisce after a day of sightseeing or the conclusion of your travel can feel quite empty without anyone to share it with.

While you won’t have anyone telling you to hurry up or wait up, being on your own means there’s no one encouraging you to climb to the top of the mountain or try the menu item you can’t pronounce. Challenging yourself to push through the doubts without any one to influence you can be both empowering and invigorating. Don’t let yourself stop yourself from your own adventure.

Cost is often seen as a barrier to travel but it doesn’t have to be even if you’e vacationing alone. “The only real times that a solo traveller will pay more is accommodation,”says Teja, suggesting hostels, couchsurfing and ride sharing as easy ways to reduce spending.

Eating alone may seem daunting if it’s your first solo jaunt but it doesn’t have to be the worst part of your adventure. Force yourself to speak to the staff – they’re often a wealth of information and may point you to hidden gems or local loves within the city. Use the down time to crack open a new book, learn the language of the city you’re in or plan for the next day’s adventure.

Of course with any trip there are concerns and solo travel isn’t an exception. Especially for women and younger travellers, safety is an issue that can’t be ignored.

“When travelling solo only you are going to have your back,” says Teja. “You’ll make friends along the way but they won’t care for you like your best friend or mom would. The main thing is to always be aware. Be aware of your surroundings and be mindful that you are in someone else’s country.”


Tips for staying safe


Get educated. Before arriving in a new city or as you prepare to leave your hotel for the day, read maps, look up travel times and plan your routes so you’re prepared for taxi trips or long walks.

Blend in. Tourists are more likely to be taken advantage of so try to avoid drawing attention to yourself with flashy clothing or a guidebook attached to your hand.

Make believe. Don’t be afraid to tell a little lie when asking others for help; it’s okay to pretend you’re meeting a friend.

Be confident. Walk with purpose and trust your gut. Don’t do something if it doesn’t feel right.


“Plan, get tips, always have a “Plan B” and enjoy the ride!” Teja says. “I think if you keep your mind sharp you can travel anywhere alone – there are so many friendly people out there to meet!

If you’re itching to go abroad or in need of an exciting adventure, all it takes is a little planning to turn your dream vacation into a reality even if no one else is on board. Take Teja’s advice, “Why wait for friends to have money for travel when you are ready to go now?”


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