Monday, June 10, 2024
Health and Fitness

Keep Moving! Fitness Tips for Work, Home and the Gym

Paul Gill, Darpan, 04 Mar, 2014
  • Keep Moving! Fitness Tips for Work, Home and the Gym
Whether you belong to a gym or exercise at home, there is always a way to increase your activity level. For 2014 make it one of your goals to steadily increase your output (I mean energy expenditure) to new levels to support a healthier you. We all know the easiest place to increase your output is at the gym, but don’t forget work and of course home. I will dive in to all three and give you methods and strategies to increase your output in each area.
At Work 
Office Folk:The workplace, for most involves sitting in an office all day on a computer or possibly a telephone. The workplace is also where most individuals spend a minimum of 40 hours a week, which means this is a place where you can essentially make or break your energy balance (caloric intake vs. output). For office folk, I recommend the following piece of advice: keep moving. For example, I encourage individuals to minimize emails and walk over to others and have real conversations. The simple act of climbing stairs, going to the elevator or getting in your car to drive to another division will significantly impact your energy expenditure. The office is a place where it is far too easy to sit down once and remain there for hours. Remember the more you get up and move, the more calories you burn which means the weight gain you will experience due to having an office job is minimized. Make it a goal to never sit more than an hour and if you have to invent an excuse to get up and move, do so as it is worth the effort. There is always some good office gossip to hear at the water cooler, so make it your mission to move as well as be informed of who’s doing what in the office space. 
Labourers: When it comes to fitness tips at the job site you have got it made. By definition, labourers have a tendency to have much more movement then office folk hence they have a tendency to be in better shape usually. For labourers, I advise you to pick it up a level by moving more quickly. If you’re on a job site, put more jump in your step and I promise that your energy expenditure will increase. As opposed to walking, take brisk walks to where you are going – you will not only get there faster, but impress those around you. In most cases, the more you hustle, the more money you generate hence you have an even greater incentive to move quickly.  
At Home
If you plan to increase your activity level at home, there are many ways to achieve this. You can increase your activity level by taking on chores and doing more around the house. If you’re paying someone to cut the grass, cut them loose and take it on yourself. If shoveling the driveway is some- thing you outsourced, then maybe it’s time to bring it back in house. Whatever you do at home, just make sure you move. Remember movement causes energy to be expended and if increasing your activity level is the goal, then it all starts with moving. Painting the place, replacing tiles or cleaning the interior and exterior windows are all great ways to burn calories. Get busy and enjoy the benefits that home improvement offers. You will not only look and feel better, but so will your home.
At Gym
If you belong to a gym and are looking to make improvements to your health, then  look no further. The gym and all of its equipment is the answer to your prayers when it comes to improving your health. Since you already have a gym member- ship, let’s tackle the topic of improving your effectiveness in the gym to get the most  out of your workouts. 
#1 Keep Your Workouts Short and Intense
If your goal in the gym is to improve your efficiency/effectiveness, then your sessions need to be short and intense. Your weight training sessions should be no more than an hour. Cardiovascular sessions such as running on the treadmill or riding a bike should be no more than 30 minutes. Keep your sessions simple and effective. One exercise per major muscle group is more than enough as long as you push yourself. Alternate between weight training days and cardiovascular trainings days to avoid burnout. 
#2 Switch Up Your Exercises Every Two Weeks
Performing the same exercises week after week is not recommended. I recommend switching up your exercise every two weeks. For example if you did squats to build your leg strength, then switch it up two weeks later and do lunges  so your body has no opportunity to adapt. The same goes for cardiovascular training. Your body eventually adapts and becomes very efficient at performing a certain physical activity, such as running or pedaling a bike so alternating your training between running, swimming and/or cycling will all help to improve your overall effectiveness in the gym. 
#3 Get a Trainer
If you’re lost in the gym or are having a real hard time making gains, then I recommend getting a trainer. Having a trainer will make your sessions that much more effective and will save you time in the long run. I often advise clients that the closest thing to buying your  high quality physique is contracting the s ervices of a trainer. A good trainer will push you like never before and will hold you accountable to ensure you never waiver too far off course. Remember focus is power and a trainer will help you focus like never before. 
A Model Routine:
MONDAY ► Cardiovascular Training (Bike, Treadmill, Aerobics for 30 mins.) 
TUESDAY ► Upper Body Weight Training (Chest, Shoulder, Back & Arms for 45 mins.) 
WEDNESDAY ► Cardiovascular Training (Bike, Treadmill, Aerobics for 30 mins.) 
THURSDAY ► Lower Body Weight Training (Quads, Hamstrings, Calfs & Abs for 45 mins.) 
FRIDAY ► Cardiovascular Training (Bike, Treadmill, Aerobics for 30 mins.) 
To wrap things up, be aware that improving  your health in 2014 can be done at work, home or the gym. Each and every place offers its pluses and minuses. Use these pluses and minuses to your advantage and not your disadvantage.  If you can’t make it to gym, make sure you put in an extra effort to keep moving in the office. If you don’t want to go to a gym, but want to stay healthy, make sure you put in the time at home and keep moving there as opposed to sitting in front of the television all night. Make it  happen and remember it’s early in the year, but there is a lot you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

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