Sunday, June 16, 2024

Support your happiness with positive psychology

Darpan News Desk IANS, 10 Aug, 2021 01:22 PM
  • Support your happiness with positive psychology

To achieve a well-balanced and a meaningful life one needs to have a positive psyche and do away with all the negativity within. It is a known fact that humans respond well to positive emotions and stay motivated under its influence.

However, there various motivations affect the happiness of an individual differently. By enabling yourself to work with positive thoughts, you'll improve your your efficiency in life and be content with all you do. You can achieve this by making little changes in your lifestyle like:

Don't judge yourself- All of us are bound to have unhappy and -- negative thoughts -- throughout the day. As you become more aware of them you may feel embarrassed or ashamed about how many you have. However, you don't need to overthink as it is perfectly normal to have all sorts of strange thoughts. We can overcome it by thinking about the happy moments in life.

Always focus on smiling- Force a smile on your face as you bring your happy thought to your mind. This will help erase the effects of the negative thoughts.

Make most of the little moments- On adopting the positive psychology in life one can begin to find happiness all around. In fact, this is the very reason why we say that a way a mind thinks can change the world. Most of us big occasions rarely and occasionally in life, but its the little things like bringing home a new television or going out for a meal or just a little drive to the super mart with the family which should be enjoyed and cherished.

Don't expect changes overnight- If you are one who has a negative outlook, don't anticipate overturning into an optimist overnight. However, with regular practice, eventually you will contain less self-criticism and more self-acceptance. You may also become less critical of the world around you. The moment you begin feeling optimistic about yourself, you will feel the transformation about being able to handle everyday stress in a creative manner. The ability of positive thinking will eventually contribute towards health benefits, better handling of hardships and lower rates of depression.

Repeat the process- Try and work towards positive thoughts and additionally engage in substituting your negative mindset with a positive one. The process will help do away with any stress or anxiety you are facing

The optimistic will always see an opportunity in every difficulty however the pessimistic will always find a difficulty in every opportunity. Once you do away with the self-limiting beliefs you will observe a significant growth, one you could never experience without clinging to positive psychology. The optimism within you enables you to appreciate the little joys in life, aids you to grasp each day with a smile, be courteous to others and finding joy in others happiness as well.


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