Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Giant Robots From Japan, US To Face Off

IANS, 07 Jul, 2015 12:30 PM
    Japanese robot manufacturer Suidobashi Heavy Industries has accepted a challenge from US competitor Megabot to participate in a duel of giant robots, Efe news agency reported.
    Weighing in at just under 4,000 kg, Japan's metal monster will soon take on the 5,400-kg US contender in what may well be the newest form of entertainment, like that widely depicted in works of science fiction.
    Neither a date nor venue for the event has been announced.
    Earlier this week, Megabot posted a droll video presenting its Mark II, "America's first full-functional, giant piloted robot".
    Megabot founders Gui Cavalcanti and Matt Oehrlein said they have equipped Mark II with massive paintball guns to fight Suidobashi's Kuratas model.
    Suidobashi founder and CEO Kogoro Kurata released a video a day later, accepting Megabot's challenge to a duel.
    Kurata found the proposal interesting, but felt his competitor could be "done better".
    "Just building something huge and sticking guns on it. It's super American. I cannot let another country win this. Giant robots are Japanese culture," he said, adding that he wanted to "punch them to scrap and knock them down".

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