Sunday, June 2, 2024

Next Big Thing: Influencer Marketing

By Naina Grewal, 01 Oct, 2021 12:32 PM
  • Next Big Thing: Influencer Marketing

Social media allows for targeted advertising to reach specific consumers, creating a more personalized and therefore credible experience.




Traditional advertising, be it via television, radio, print, or billboards has more of a mass appeal. However, social media allows for targeted advertising to reach specific consumers, creating a more personalized and therefore credible experience.


Social media is here to stay. Newsfeeds on these platforms are our sources for current events and all the latest and greatest must-haves. Unsurprisingly, ever since the rise of network-based online mediums, businesses have looked to capitalize on the unique, newfound approach of influencer marketing.

Who are influencers? They’re all over your social media feed! Simply put, influencers can convince you to buy things. Due to their relationship with their audiences, knowledge about a particular field, or authority/position, influencers have the power to impact people’s purchasing decisions. Think about it! You would be much more likely to buy an education-related product recommended by a teacher with a popular Instagram account that you have been following from a while. A cool mom that has garnered a big following on TikTok can have tremendous influence over other moms in her audience base, in relation to products that are best for babies or kids.

Traditional advertising, be it via television, radio, print, or billboards has more of a mass appeal. However, social media allows for targeted advertising to reach specific consumers, creating a more personalized and therefore credible experience. It’s almost like getting the best trips and tricks via word of mouth from someone you look up to. It is far more effective than having a trusted friend vouch for something or someone rather than a person self-praising themselves or their own product.

When it comes to social networking sites, word spreads fast. Especially since influencers tend to creatively promote products through storytelling techniques, audiences can get hooked. If a product is recommended or if a campaign catches on, the company at hand can generate even more marketing through user-generated content; the average consumer may choose to share the product or partake in the campaigns. When a follower already trusts the person delivering a specific message, they are more likely to react to it positively and share the content themselves without being asked or paid to do so.

That said, influencer marketing requires some serious dough. The more popular an influencer and the larger their following, the more they charge for promotional content. Companies of all sizes and tenures are investing in influencer campaigns. In turn, the posted content – through links – drives clicks, impressions, engagement, and traffic to the company’s website. Over the past couple of decades, influencer marketing has grown tremendously, giving birth to companies and agencies that are solely dedicated to designing and managing the influencer campaigning process, inclusive of matching brands with the right influencers. In the business world, influencer marketing has gained the trust of leaders. 80% of marketers find influencer marketing to be effective, while almost 90% of marketers find it more effective than other channels.

Looking at the main social media sites that are prevalent with today’s consumers, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, the platforms have evolved to integrate a seamless shopping experience for its users as well. With clickable links in posts and stories, alongside dedicated spaces for conducting product sales, it is safe to say that social media is becoming increasingly important as a medium of buying and selling.

As a digital marketing tool, influencer marketing is on the rise. However, that does not come without challenge. When it comes to the online space, measuring success can be difficult. It is not always easy to track how much brand awareness or sales were generated because of an influencer campaign. Furthermore, not all clicks turn into actual purchases.

Regardless, the data does put influencer marketing as a solid means to provide education surrounding a product and bring it into the limelight. As opposed to means that are less personal and more information-heavy, influencers provide a fresh, enthusiastic and lighthearted way to share product details, while building on existing social media trends. As consumers, we should take advantage of influencer marketing’s presence and learn about all the great products and services we can benefit from. At the same time, we also need to be vigilant, as our favorite YouTubers or TikTokers may sometimes be posting sponsored views and recommendations. Needless to say, in the evolving landscape of marketing, online platforms will only become more significant and central to getting in touch with today’s consumers. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon and influencers seem to be well on their way to transform marketing!



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