Friday, May 31, 2024

Uber Testing Self-Driving Car In Pittsburgh

The Canadian Press, 19 May, 2016 12:04 PM
    DETROIT — Uber is testing a self-driving car on public streets in Pittsburgh.
    Uber says it has outfitted a Ford Fusion hybrid with radars, laser scanners and high-resolution cameras. It's using the car to test self-driving capability and collect mapping data.
    A trained driver remains behind the wheel for now. Uber says it's still in the early stages of its self-driving tests and needs to make sure the technology is safe.
    The San Francisco ride-hailing company says Pittsburgh is an ideal place to test self-driving cars because it has a wide variety of weather and road types.
    Uber Technologies Inc. announced a partnership with Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University last year. It has also opened its own Advanced Technologies Center, which is led by a former Carnegie Mellon robotics engineer.

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