Saturday, June 1, 2024

Surprise Your Lady Love

By Shweta Kulkarni, 31 Jan, 2019 08:59 PM

    Gifts every girl would like to receive on Valentine’s Day


    Hey loverboys out there, if you haven’t noticed it yet – Valentine’s Day is coming up. And while you may be excited to pull out all the stops to make the day extra special for your sweetheart, it also marks the beginning of the perennial predicament of what to gift your lady love. Gifting is a tricky business and we do feel your anxiety to find that perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your beloved. But worry not, we have decided to give you a small insight into what might work to make your darling girl happy. Here’s a list of eight gifting ideas that are sure to help you woo your girl this Valentine’s Day.


    A Personalized Gift Item

    This particular gift idea demands you to get a little creative, but if you manage to crack this you are sure to win her heart forever. You can pick a favourite photo of you both, or a favourite memory and get it printed on a blanket, keychain, mug or a t-shirt. You can even get her a personalized pendant with both your names engraved on it or just the initials or the date when you both first met. A custom-made name ring is also a great idea. Basically, gift her something unique that defines you both, and trust us, it will be the sweetest gift she would have ever received.


    Perfume is one of the best gifts a man can give his lady love. It’ll be great if you know what kind of scent she prefers or once again seek some help from her best friend. What will make your gift really special and thoughtful is if you can find a perfumery that can customize a special fragrance for your girl. Nothing would be more perfect than a custom-made scent only for her. If not that, a few perfume brands come up with limited edition perfumes, you can get her one of those and make her feel special.


    Love Notes

    You don’t need to always burn a hole in your pocket to get the perfect gift for your lady love. Gifts are a token of your affection, and it is always the thought that counts not the worth of your gift. So, this Valentine’s show your sweetheart just how much you love her by pouring your heart out in a lovely note or bunch of notes. In fact, a jar full of small love notes would be just perfect. You don’t need to be a writer to do this. Even small one-line notes stating something as simple as – “I love you till the infinity!” or “You are Beautiful” – will put that million-dollar smile on her face throughout the day.

    Something Handmade

    Want to do something really really special for her? Well, then make something for her with your own hands. There is nothing better than a personal homemade gift. The Internet is full of DIY ideas, so do some research and show her how much you love her. Don’t forget, it is always the small gestures that make the occasion truly grand.


    Couple’s Spa

    Take some time out for your beloved and take her for a relaxing couple spa treatment. Trust us, she won’t be able to contain her excitement. It is an ideal way to spend some quality and calming time with her and also treat yourself to some luxury pampering.



    Trust us, nothing will put a smile on her face than a box full of her favourite makeup supplies that will last for months. Yes, we know it is difficult to buy makeup for girls, especially when you know nothing about it, but it is not rocket science either. Start inquiring about her favourite brand, lipstick shades, or eyeshadows. If asking becomes too suspicious, compliment her about her make-up and slyly ask her for details. If that doesn’t work either chat with her best friend and she will supply you with all the information you need. All you need to do is do your homework well and you are certain to win her heart all over again. This gifting gesture will also show her that you are willing to go an extra mile to know her interests and make her feel all the more special.


    Make Her Wish Come True

    She must have definitely mentioned to you a few things on her bucket list or something that she has been wanting to do for a while – be it her desire to learn jazz or take up art lessons. Well, the best thing to gift her this Valentine’s Day would be to make one of her wishes or all of them come true. Buy her that dream holiday, gift her art lessons… whatever it is, just make it happen.

    Take Her On A Holiday

    There’s nothing better to strengthen your bond of love than travelling together. So, take a break from the daily routine and take your sweetheart on a memorable holiday and rediscover each other and your love.


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