Sunday, June 16, 2024

Towards an Enriched Relationship: Q&A

eHarmony , 14 Feb, 2017 10:54 AM
    Looking to get some relationship advice amidst the romance storm. Jeannie Assismos, expert, answers some questions pertaining to dating and relationships. Take a look:
    Why online dating vs. dating apps?
    Let me first clarify, that there are quite a few people who have found their one through a dating app that you use on your phone. However, most of the time, that’s after going through many dates that may have been…. Terrible? 
    With online dating sites like, users answer extensive questions during their registration to explain what they are looking for, and for us to learn a bit more about their personality and who they work best with. 
    That’s where the big difference lies. While not all dating websites are the same, those that have higher success rates help you take the guesswork out of your dates. 
    Do you feel people leave their comfort zone more when online dating?
    Yes and no. Dating is sort of out of all of our comfort zones in the beginning! But before online dating, when you went out with someone you often didn’t know anything about them. Thanks to dating sites like ours, when you’re matched based on compatibility rather than a mutual “like” for the others’ look, you know that you’re going to have something to talk about. This makes it a little less scary to go out with someone that you may not have given a second thought to. 
    What advice do you have for someone putting themselves out there?
    Try something new, especially when it comes to people! If you are using a dating website, trust the matches that you’re given. If it’s a reputable site, there has been a lot of work put in to ensure that the people you see will be compatible in some way. Even if there isn’t that spark, you may end up with a new friend or adventure partner along the way. 
    What's one thing that makes a relationship successful?
    Compatibility. There will be no long-term relationship if you don’t connect with someone on a deeper level beyond physical appearance and superficial commonalities like hobbies or careers. Yes, these things can be a sign of ways you can get along, but when you think of that older couple who sits in the park every Sunday barely saying a word, they are there because they are compatible on a deeper level. 
    One may be interested in sports, while the other in music, but the spark comes from those personality traits and quirks that will make you smile. 
    **This content is hosted by eHarmony**


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