Sunday, June 16, 2024

A list of the four steps in B.C.'s restart plan

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 25 May, 2021 02:16 PM
  • A list of the four steps in B.C.'s restart plan

The British Columbia government has introduced a four-step restart plan in a gradual return to normality when more people are vaccinated against COVID-19. Here are the steps set out by the province:

Step 1: What's allowed on Tuesday with 60 per cent of the population having received one dose of a vaccine.

— A maximum of five visitors or one household are allowed to gather indoors. Ten people are allowed for outdoor personal gatherings and 50 people for seated outdoor organized gatherings with safety protocols.

— Recreational travel is only permitted within a resident's travel region.

— Indoor and outdoor dining is allowed for up to six people with safety protocols.

— In-person faith-based gatherings can be held in a reduced capacity.

— Outdoor sports games with no spectators and low-intensity fitness with safety protocols can resume.

— Provincewide mask mandate, business safety protocols and physical distancing measures remain in place.

— Kindergarten to Grade 12 classes continue to operate with existing safety protocols.

Step 2: By June 15 at the earliest with 65 per cent of the adult population having one dose of a vaccine.

— A maximum of 50 people would be allowed to hold outdoor social gatherings, with 50 seated indoors at organized gatherings in banquet halls, movie theatres and live theatres as long as safety protocols are being followed.

— No provincial travel restrictions.

— Indoor sports games and high-intensity fitness would be allowed with safety protocols.

— Spectators for outdoor sports would be permitted with a 50-person maximum.

— Provincewide mask mandate, business safety protocols and physical distancing remain in place.

— Kindergarten to Grade 12 classes continue to operate with existing safety protocols.

Step 3: Early July with 70 per cent of the population vaccinated with a single dose.

— Provincial state of emergency and public health emergency lifted.

— A return to usual for indoor and outdoor personal gatherings.

— Sleepovers allowed.

— Nightclubs and casinos reopened with capacity limits and safety plans.

— New public health and workplace guidance around personal protective equipment, physical distancing and business protocols.

Step 4: Early September with more than 70 per cent of the adult population having had their first dose of vaccine.

— A return to normal social contact.

— Capacity would be increased at larger organized gatherings.

— No limits on indoor and outdoor spectators at sports.

— Businesses would operate with new safety plans.


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