Saturday, June 1, 2024

Accused B.C. Terrorists Wanted To Avoid Killing Children

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 16 Mar, 2015 02:49 PM

    VANCOUVER — A man accused of plotting to attack British Columbia's legislature on Canada Day appeared eager to kill event staff and emergency personnel but was adamant about not targeting children, his trial heard Monday.

    John Nuttall and Amanda Korody are on trial for their alleged plot to plant homemade pressure-cooker bombs at the legislature on July 1, 2013.

    On the day before the plan was set to unfold, Nuttall and Korody walked around the legislature with an undercover police officer, who they believed was a powerful Arab businessman sympathetic to their cause.

    In an audio recording played for the jury, the officer asks a passerby about the itinerary for the Canada Day festivities. The unidentified man tells them the "kids' zone" opens at noon.

    With that information, Nuttall, Korody and the officer discuss how long to set the timers that will be attached the bombs. As they consider options that would detonate the bombs in the late morning, Nuttall interrupts.

    "That's no good, that's gonna kill the children," says Nuttall. "We gotta lessen the time."

    Eventually, Nuttall settles for between 9 and 10 a.m.

    While Nuttall acknowledges setting off the bombs so early means most of the victims will be workers preparing for the day's events, he then suggests two explosions separated by 10 or 15 minutes.

    "That way one goes off, then all the police arrive and ambulances and everything and fire trucks and then the other one goes off and bam — we kill them with that," he says.

    "Everything is going to be there. Helicopters, the army, fire. Everything."

    During the many hours of audio and video played for the jury, Nuttall and Korody's plan has shifted constantly. At times, they seemed focused on the legislature, but they also consider the possibility of bombing banks or office buildings.

    Even when it comes to the legislature, they repeatedly changed their minds. Initially, they seemed focused on attacking crowds gathered to watch the evening fireworks.

    In a video played Monday, also recorded on June 30, Nuttall complains to Korody that the Arab businessman forced them to abandon plans to target the fireworks. The video was recorded in a hotel in Sidney, near where the ferry arrives from Vancouver.

    Nuttall tells Korody he wished he could have had more time to plan and execute the attack.

    "He's making us do this so quickly," says Nuttall, as he recalls his interactions with the Arab businessman and other associates, who were also undercover officers.

    "I mean, God, they're asking us, 'Oh, are you sure no one's pressuring you to do this?' and it's like, all the brothers are pressuring me to do this: 'Hurry up and do it, just do it quick. Come up with the plan, it's all up to you.'"

    Still, Nuttall says he is grateful for the Arab businessman's help. Earlier, he told the officer he loved him.

    Nuttall and Korody have both pleaded not guilty to four terrorism-related charges.

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