Sunday, June 16, 2024

Book a seat for zero gravity experience in space!

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 29 May, 2014 01:25 PM
    Have Rs.1.5 crore in your kitty? You can get a seat on Richard Branson-owned Virgin space travel's flight for a 'Zero Gravity' (ZeroG) experience in space.
    But if you are not born rich, at approximately Rs.1.58 lakh, you can still get the 'ZeroG' experience, courtesy Swiss Space Systems (S3).
    The Swiss firm has just launched what it claims will be the world's cheapest ZeroG flight - at price starting Rs.1.58 lakh (1,600 pounds).
    The passengers will get a feeling of weightlessness for just over six minutes in total - allowing them to feel similar sensations to that of an astronaut floating on the International Space Station (ISS).
    The S3 flights will involve putting passengers aboard a modified aircraft that performs a series of mid-air parabolas - or u-shaped manoeuvres.
    Each aircraft will perform 15 parabolas per 90-minute.
    Passengers will get put into something known as the ‘Party Room’ with 39 other people, media reports said.
    Zero gravity results in a sense of weightlessness, allowing bodies and materials to move completely freely.
    A dozen passengers can have a ‘tailor-made experience’ in the VIP Room, which will cost Rs.4 lakh (40,500 pounds) and comes with a watch and a flight suit.


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