Friday, June 14, 2024

Dress that bares all as your online activity increases!

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 12 Jun, 2014 11:57 AM
    You have to be careful before liking a picture on Facebook or sending a tweet while you are wearing this dress. Scientists at New York University have designed a dress that gradually turns transparent as the wearer's online activity increases.
    Which means that at the end of the day you might end up exposing your whole body - if you are an avid social media user.
    "x.pose is a wearable data-driven sculpture that exposes a person's skin as a real-time reflection of the data that the wearer is producing," the designers behind the project, Pedro Oliveira and Xuedi Che from New York University, were quoted as saying.
    The dress is made of a 3D mesh created from location data from the wearer's phone.
    The reactive displays that change in opacity to reveal the wearer's skin are controlled by a small computer built into the back of the dress.
    The computer constantly monitors the user's online activity.
    Depending on the volume of posts and other activity, panels on the dress can either flicker of become completely transparent, Daily Mail reported.
    "As more data is produced and collected from the wearer, the more naked he/she will become," the developers added.


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