Saturday, June 1, 2024

Soon, an app to curb food waste

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 28 May, 2014 02:08 PM
    Giving a boost to the growing number of green gazettes, researchers have now developed an app that could help curb food waste which leads to not only loss of money but also natural resources.
    Named PareUp, the app is designed to bring those who wish to sell their extra food and those who wish to buy them to the negotiating table.
    The app will have an inventory of each of the participating store’s products and each day the retailers would be able update the inventory and report its excess items.
    Like an online clearinghouse, the app will enable consumers to log on and see what is discounted that day in their area.
    They can then travel to the store that is selling the produce at a discounted market rate and purchase it like they would do any other produce.
    PareUp, which would be free for everyone to download, was developed by a team of Margret Tung, Anuj Jhunjhunwala and Jason Chen.
    It is scheduled to be launched in New York soon, media reports said.


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