Friday, April 19, 2024
Real Estate

The smell of success

The smell of success
You need a perfume that is as bold, and daring as you are, a perfume that blurs the line between expectations and identities and lets you unapologetically be you. Here is a list of unisex perfumes curated by experts that let you blur the lines- in all the right ways:

The smell of success

Unlock the secrets to maintaining healthy hair

Unlock the secrets to maintaining healthy hair
Having luscious, healthy hair is a desire shared by many. We all yearn for those shiny, vibrant locks that exude confidence and vitality. However, maintaining healthy hair requires more than just good genes or expensive products.  Here are expert insights and practical tips on how to achieve and maintain healthy hair.

Unlock the secrets to maintaining healthy hair

Should ingestible skincare be part of your daily routine?

Should ingestible skincare be part of your daily routine?
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a transformative approach to skincare by emphasising on nourishment internally and externally to maintain all three layers of the skin. Through the power of ingestible skincare,  Ayurveda enables us to treat our skin from within, unveiling a radiant and healthy skin:

Should ingestible skincare be part of your daily routine?

Care for your hair like a model

Care for your hair like a model
When it comes to maintaining gorgeous voluminous hair, models definitely know a thing or two. Considering Fashion Week is synonymous with multiple hairstyling sessions, late nights, and lots of coffee, you realise that their great hair is the result of some serious amazing hair care routine.

Care for your hair like a model

Your under eye cream and serum guide

Your under eye cream and serum guide
Prolonged exposure to sunlight (UV rays) without proper protection can lead to a range of eye conditions, and also damages the skin around your eye. And then there's age... with each year your skin looses its suppleness and your eyes tell the story.  Here's a list of go to eye-creams and serums to reverse and help the damage:

Your under eye cream and serum guide

Benefits of aloe vera for your skin

Benefits of aloe vera for your skin
It is a plant that has been used for centuries as medicine and that feeds the body from the inside out. It has a lot of nutrients, aids in digestion, and even fortifies the immune system. Aloe vera can also be used topically, which means that one can use its gel to improve their skin, particularly their face and hair. 

Benefits of aloe vera for your skin