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Discover why tea is a skin-rejuvenating elixir

Darpan News Desk IANS, 05 Apr, 2023 01:37 PM
  • Discover why tea is a skin-rejuvenating elixir

Did you know that consuming tea can give your skin a radiant look? Tea is an indispensable part of Indian households. You have a headache; you drink a cup of tea. If you have a sore throat or cold; again a cup of ginger tea is your go-to option for instant relief. The list is endless. What if you are told that tea helps in rejuvenating your skin too? Yes, you read it right. Many teas effectively reduce the stress lines from the face, thereby generating radiating skin.

The rising environmental pollution makes us susceptible to free radicals and oxidative stress which shows up on our faces in the form of wrinkles, discoloration, and dullness. As the tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-aging properties, having a cup or two can rejuvenate your skin and eliminate these free radicals before they can do any real damage to the skin. Read ahead to know the variations of teas and their role in skincare outlined by Parimal Shah, Founder and CEO of Cherise India Private Ltd.

Green tea

Anti-inflammatory qualities are found in green tea. It moisturises parched skin, hydrates it, and lessens the affects of sunburn. It also aids in reducing skin irritation, redness, breakouts, and swelling. Many skin specialists also advise applying green tea to the face due to its many advantages. It also aids in treating minor wounds. Green tea is also a popular refreshment among those trying to lose weight. Green tea and lemongrass are an ideal combination for skin care because lemongrass has purifying qualities. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal qualities, lemongrass is also a common ingredient in skincare products.

Black tea

Black tea, which is high in polyphenols and antioxidants, is well known for preventing premature ageing of the face. When compared to other kinds of tea, it is significantly more effective at reducing wrinkles, according to numerous studies. Black tea's skin-clearing and antioxidant qualities aid in the removal of toxins that lead to skin blemishes. For improved skin results, one can also use a cotton ball to apply it straight to the face when it is cold.

Amla herbal tea

Your tea's amla extracts can do miracles for your skin. Amla juice increases vitamin C levels and aids in boosting the skin's collagen formation when consumed regularly. Skin that is soft and young is the outcome. Tea made from amla decreases acne scarring, fine lines, and breakouts. It soothes away the effects of acne because it is a natural blood purifier.

Lavender tea

Lavender tea contains antioxidants that aid in the detoxification of your epidermis. Additionally, it shields your skin from age spots by preventing pigmentation brought on by the sun's harmful UV radiation. Lavender tea has cooling and calming effects on the skin and aids in the prevention of various skin diseases.

Ginger and turmeric tea

When we think of ginger, we immediately think of its strong, spicy scent. Natural ginger oil, or gingerols, which aid in decreasing inflammation and pain, is the cause of this. The anti-inflammatory qualities of gingerols can help soothe inflamed skin. Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, and ginger are foods that have been shown to enhance the look and healing capacity of the skin. So ginger and turmeric tea is perfect for maintaining the health of your epidermis.

Cardamom tea

Cardamom tea's antibacterial qualities aid in the mending of breakouts. Cardamom is a natural skin purifier that eliminates blemishes and leaves your face clearer and more even. In addition to having high levels of vitamin C, calcium, and manganese, cardamom also has anti-aging properties.

Tea comes in a variety of forms and sizes. In addition to providing a host of health advantages, they facilitate a glowing complexion. The greatest thing about tea is that it can be made quickly, unlike many recipes that call for a lot of time and ingredients. So go ahead and add making your favourite tea to your self-care routine.


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