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How to prevent yourself from the dangerous UV rays?

Darpan News Desk IANS, 09 Sep, 2022 12:10 PM
  • How to prevent yourself from the dangerous UV rays?

Sirin Murad, a beautician, allegedly slept on a beach in Bulgaria for a brief period of time, according to a claim that has been making the rounds on the internet. She dozed off beside the pool for thirty minutes before waking up with painful skin on her face. Despite the 21 degree Celsius, she continued to unwind by the pool alone and without disturbing anyone. The 25-year-old had not applied sunscreen.

Murad's face was swollen and red the following day, and her skin was fully rosy. According to The Independent, her skin was so tight that it appeared false when she tried to furrow her brows.

This raises the query, is sunscreen really necessary to use in this situation and are sun rays bad for the skin?

Sun exposure is necessary for everyone to synthesize vitamin D. (which helps calcium absorption for stronger and healthier bones). However, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun without protection can harm the skin, eyes, and immune system. Cancer may potentially result from it. Dr. Akriti Gupta Cosmetic Dermatologist from Jivisha Clinic, New Delhi explained that "the skin is harmed by sunburn and excessive UV radiation exposure. Skin cancer or early skin ageing may result from this injury (photoaging).

This beautician's condition is the result of sunburn, which is solar damage. It is brought on by prolonged exposure to UV radiation. Sunburn may happen on any region of the body, including the face, the body, the scalp, and even closed areas if you are wearing loose-fitting clothing that leaves a gap that allows UV rays to enter. A Bad sunburn may take several days to heal".

Here, wearing sunblock is essential. Dr Akriti Gupta emphasized that "Never leave your house without sunscreen on, especially between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun is at it's strongest. You should also apply sunscreen on cloudy days.

Signs of a sunburn

The skin turns red.

It's hot and constricting.

There might be some discomfort and soreness.

You can endure blisters, swelling, and skin peeling if you have a second-degree sunburn.

"Limiting exposure and protecting your skin are the greatest ways to safeguard yourself from the harmful effects of the sun. Take a chilly shower, apply cold water to your skin, remain hydrated, avoid peeling off your skin, take pain medication if necessary, and consider applying a topical cooling and moisturising ointment" added Dr. Akriti Gupta.

Here are few tips suggested by Dr. Akriti Gupta to avoid sunburn:

Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 generously to all exposed skin. The term "broad spectrum" refers to a sunscreen that shields you from UVA and UVB radiation. Apply again after two hours, after swimming, and after sweating.

When feasible, dress protectively by donning long sleeves, slacks, a hat with a broad brim, and sunglasses. Look for clothing that is tightly knit or has a UV protection factor (UPF).

Incorporate vitamin D into your children's diet as well as applying sunscreen to infants and toddlers as well as older children.

When near water, snow, or sand, exercise particular caution. They deflect the sun's harmful rays. This might make you more likely to become sunburned.

Intake sufficient vitamin D by eating a balanced diet that may also contain vitamin supplements.

Never use a tanning bed. Sunlight and tanning beds' ultraviolet rays can lead to skin cancer and wrinkles.

Use lip balm with at least SPF 15 to protect your lips.


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