Saturday, June 15, 2024

Bring on the Drama

By Ashley Stephens, 23 Jan, 2018 04:27 PM
  • Bring on the Drama

Let big, bold and colourful décor fill your home this coming year.

The start of every year encourages change. Whether it’s a subtle addition – like splurging on new accent pillows – or a total transformation in the form of complete kitchen renovation, changes around the home, especially those that embrace the hottest trends, can make you feel like you’re living in a brand new space.
2017 saw some substantial shifts in home décor; designers moved away from stark, sleek and minimalist and added colour and coziness. This upcoming year will continue to see similar shifts in design as colours become bolder, kitchens become less traditional, and accents become more dramatic.
“2018 will be an exciting year of bold and dramatic design,” says Kendall Ansell, principal of Kendall Ansell Interiors. “We’ll be bringing back the drama and steering away from the more muted palettes.”
Colours are going to be rich and moody. Think velvets, deep gem tones and dark coloured metals. Colours projecting confidence will make furnishings pop while warmer tones will make rooms more welcoming.
Designers and homeowners aren’t shying away from incorporating colour; they’re embracing bold hues previously seen as unorthodox in a traditional home setting. “Reds, wine, blush and smoky grey tones will be very popular in 2018,” Ansell says, noting rich colours like gold, cognac and deep reds will be prominent in living rooms.
Keep bold colours balanced by mixing your darker or dramatic colours with whites so as not to overwhelm your space. You’ll avoid either colour from being too overwhelming while keeping your room clean, bright and on trend.
“Since we’re moving into a more colourful 2018, you can expect black and white decor and overall design theme to take a step back and out of the spotlight next year,” Ansell says. They’ll never truly go out of style and won’t disappear but as an overall design scheme they’re being replaced with unique colours and bold patterning.Dramatic patterns will continue to grow in popularity with vibrant colours and intricate designs popping up all over homes. 
Florals will return yet again but will be bolder and brighter. Expect to see botanicals in high-contrast colours and oversized blooms in blacks or whites combined with the rich colour palette of greens, golds and teals. Keep your eye out for circles; the simple shape is looking to gain in popularity as hard geometric patterns will adorn accent pillows, wallpaper and rugs.
An interesting twist on incorporating natural elements will see an increase in geodes and agates. Look for these interesting crystals and stunning colours to make their way onto wallpapers and other textiles as they expand their reach into the mass market.
“One of the easiest ways to incorporate these trends is choosing bolder accents, it’s more approachable than a complete design overhaul,” says Ansell. “Splurging on a new and dramatic rug would be a great way to incorporate these trends into your space with just one, statement item.” 
With the reintroduction of darker, bold colours comes the resurgence of velvet. While it seems somewhat old-fashioned – and may not be a long-lasting trend – it certainly adds an elevated and unexpected touch to a living room. When done well, it makes a statement without being overbearing. While white kitchen used to be all the rage – and still prove to be a popular choice despite the difficulty in keeping them clean – colourful kitchens are gaining in popularity, continuing the colour trend expected to be seen all around homes in the upcoming year.
Blues, greys, and warmer wood tones will bring personality and uniqueness back to kitchens. Whether it’s cabinets, barstools or tiles, designers are finding fun ways to renew and refresh the main hub of many houses. “Expect wallpaper-like backsplashes in kitchens and bathrooms with black sinks and coloured faucets,” says Ansell. Designers continue to embrace bigger, bolder, more artistic pieces when it comes to tiling.
White and stainless steel sinks will no longer be the norm as concrete, stone, copper and coloured sinks are gaining in popularity. Expect to see trough or buckets sinks in bathrooms and laundry rooms.
“Millwork feature walls and white wood slat walls will only increase in popularity,” says Ansell. While shiplap and reclaimed wood have oft been seen in bathrooms and around kitchen islands, the trend will continue on to bedroom walls in 2018.
Minimalist designs will also make their way to the bedroom, as homeowners look for a calm, relaxing space to lay their heads. Create a restful bedroom with soothing colours, cozy fabrics and simple furnishings. The ornate patterns and bold colours are best left to the rest of the home.
“Since 2018 will be all about the drama, if you want to change out smaller items like pillows, throws and accessories, make sure you go big!” Ansell says. While big and bold may be out of your comfort zone, 2018 is not the year to shy away from change.


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